Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:

What is the difference between nature vs. nurture?

Nature: Biological. 

Nurture: Based on environment. 


What is a longitudinal study.

This study follows the same group of people for a long time.


What is Bottom-Up Processing 

When you see a new object for the first time, your brain processes the basic features (like shape, color, and size) and then combines them into a coherent image.


What is Overlearning? 

Overlearning is learning something until it is automatic and effortless. 


What is operant conditioning and who developed? 

Learned through consequences; B.F Skinner 


What is the main focus of functionalism?

Studying the purpose of mental and behavioral processes. 


What makes up the Central Nervous System?

Brain, Spinal Cord and Interneurons  

What are the Five Main Taste Receptors? 

Salty, Sweet, Sour, Bitter and Umami 


Who discovered Learned Helplessness? 

Martin Seligman


What is the Magic Number for intelligence? 

Seven plus or minus two 


What type of psychologist studies how people change over time, from infancy to old age? 

Developmental psychologist


This term refers to the electrical charge that travels down the axon, caused by the movement of ions in and out of the neuron, and is essential for neural communication.

Action Potential 


What are the Rods and Cones functions, respectively? 

Rods are light receptors that are specialized for black, white, and gray; light-sensitive, so they help us to see in the dark

Cones are light receptors that detect color and fine detail


A student gets a high score on their Psych Exam, and as a result, their chores get taken away from them. What type of reinforcement is this? 

Negative Reinforcement


What is the formula for calculating a persons IQ? 

Mental Age / actual age x 100


What are the three main levels of psychological analysis in the biopsychosocial approach? 

Biological, psychological, and social-cultural.


Which Drug is used to block dopamine to treat Schizophrenia. What type of drug is it? 

Clozapine, antagonist 


About 5 minutes into a basketball game, LeBron no longer notices the sound of the crowd. What type of adaption is this?

Sensory adaptation 


What are the Steps of Observational Learning?

Modeling, Attention, Retention, Reproduction and Motivation


Who defined that there is one general intelligence (g)?

Charles Spearman's 


What is the Hawthorne effect, and how can it impact research?

People change their behavior when they know they are being observed, which can bias research results. 


This part of the brain, which connects the left and right hemispheres, is involved in coordinating communication between the two sides. Damage to it can result in split-brain symptoms, such as difficulty naming objects seen in the left visual field. What is this structure called?

corpus callosum


How does the endocrine system interact with the nervous system, and what structure links the two?

The endocrine system releases hormones, and the hypothalamus connects it to the nervous system


In a study, a child hears a loud noise and naturally cries. Over time, the child starts to cry just from seeing a white rat, even without the noise. What are the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response in this scenario?

Unconditioned Stimulus(US):Loud Noises 

Unconditioned Responses(UR): Crying 

Conditioned Stimulus (CS): White rat 

Conditioned Response(CR): Crying in response to the white rat


What type of memory is stored in the Hippocampus?

Explicit Memory 
