Sensation and Perception
Sleep and Drugs
Classical and Operant Conditioning
Name the four different lobes of the brain
What is Frontal, Pariental, Temporal, Occipital
Relatively meaningless bits of information that result when the brain processes electrical signals
What is Sensation
Stage of sleep is marked by theta waves and you gradually lose responsiveness to stimuli and experience drifting thoughts and images
What is Stage 1
Stage of Piaget's cognitive development is where children learn to use symbols to solve simple problems and to think or talk about things about things that aren't present; child learns egocentric thinking
What is Preoperational
Stimulus was formerly a neural stimulus that has acquired the ability to elicit a response that was previously elicited by the unconditional stimulus
What is Conditioned Stimulus
Involved in the initiation of all voluntary movements; right side controls muscle on the left side and vice versa
What is motor cortex
Theory that says ganglion cells in the retina and cells in the thalamus of the brain respond to two pairs of colors- red-green and blue-yellow
What is Opponent-process Theory
Theory of dreams says that dreaming occurs because brain areas that provide reasoned cognition control during the waking state are shut down. As a result, the sleeping brain is stimulated by different chemicals and neural influences
What is Activation-Synthesis Theory
Three stages, in order, of the Prenatal Period
What is Germinal, Embryonic, and Fetal
The tendency for the conditioned response to reappear after being extinguished even though there have been no further conditioning trials
What is Spontaneous Recovery
Part of the limbic system is involved in receiving input from all the senses and plays a major role in emotions
What is amydala
System is involved with regulating balance
What is Vestibular System/Semicircular Canals
Drug produces increased alertness, excitability, euphoric feelings and could cause insomnia, hypertension, and possible death; stimulant; blocks reuptake of dopamine
What is Cocaine
Stage of Erikson's psychosocial stages involves where the child battles between his parents' wishes and the child's desires to do as he/she pleases
What is Stage 2- Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
theory says that classical conditioning occurs because two stimuli are paired close together in time. As a result, the neural stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus, which elicits the conditioned response
What is Contiguity Theory
Brain scan involves passing non-harmful radio frequencies through the brain and are used to study the structure of the brain
What is MRI
Group of psychologists believed that our brains follow a set of rules that specify how individual elements are to be organized into meaningful pattern, or perception
What is Gestalt Psychologists
Depressant causes relaxation, depressed brain activity, and slowed behavior; overdose can cause brain damage and heart disease; affects GABA receptors
What is Alcohol
Theory emphasizes the influence of social and cognitive processes on how we interpret, organize, and use information. Boys learn a gender role that is different from the girls'
What is Social Role Theory
Created the law of effect which states that behaviors followed by positive consequences are strengthened, behaviors followed by negative consequences are weakened; used puzzle box
Who is Edward Thorndike
Response that helps the body cope with and survive threatening situations and is a part of the sympathetic nervous system
What is fight-flight response
Concept refers to a binocular depth cue that depends on the distance between the eyes. Since of their different positions each eye receives a different image
What is Retinal Disparity
hallucinogen was euphoric feelings, relaxation, mild hallucinations, and memory impairment; may cause respiratory problems like smoking tobacco; involved with THC and anadamide
What is Marijuana
Level of Kohlberg's Moral Reasoning says that decisions are guided mostly by conforming to the standards of others we value and to the laws of society
What is Level 2- Conventional Level
Involves adding an aversive stimulus whose removal increases the likelihood that the preceding response will occur again
What is Negative reinforcement