I Think Neuron Drugs
You've Got Some Nerves
It's a Surprise!
Never Skip Brain Day
I Lobe You

The minimum amount of time needed before a neuron can fire another action potential

What is absolute refractory period?


The branch of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord

What is the central nervous system (CNS)?


The neural "recycling" process

What is reuptake?


The part of the brain that controls breathing and heartbeat

What is the medulla?


The wrinkled outer layer of the forebrain

What is the cerebral cortex?


A drug that functions by blocking the production and release of neurotransmitters

What is an antagonist?


The branch of the nervous system consisting of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

What is the autonomic nervous system (ANS)

Rare procedure used as a last resort to treat severe epilepsy

What is split-brain surgery?


If this part of the brain is significantly damaged, a person would likely fall into a deep coma and not wake up

What is the reticular formation?


The somatosensory cortex is located in this lobe

What is the parietal lobe?


Pauli has decided to quit his bad habit of smoking cigarettes and has not consumed nicotine in a week. He has had frequent headaches, been highly irritable, and very anxious. What is he experiencing?

What is withdrawal?


Activation of this branch of our nervous system would result in slowed heart rate and increased digestion (be specific)

What is the parasympathetic NS?


The part of the brain that determines which hormones need to be released through the endocrine system

What is the hypothalamus?


The part of the brain that acts as our sensory switchboard, routing all sensory messages except smell

What is the thalamus?


Wernicke's area is located in this lobe

What is the LEFT temporal lobe?


Calvin consumes a psychoactive drug that reduces his neural activity and slows down his bodily functions, resulting in a relaxed euphoria and reduced inhibitions (what type of drug did he consume?)

What is a depressant?


The division of the nervous system that allows us to feel the world and move around in it

What is the somatic NS?


When I don't eat anything during the school day, my stomach is GROWLING when I get home due to the secretion of this hormone

What is ghrelin?


If you keep falling over while walking around campus this brain structure is likely damaged

What is the cerebellum?


Coach Heidegger got hit by a GJ player's golf ball during a match and was unable to push the gas pedal of his car to drive himself home (name the damage, be specific)

What is the LEFT motor cortex (of the frontal lobe)?


Deficits of this neurotransmitter is linked to Alzheimer's disease

What is acetylcholine (ACh)?


It's midterms week. You have rehearsal/practice after school every day. Your job has you scheduled for multiple double shifts. And now your parents are sick so you have to cook dinner for your siblings. Your body is working overtime to help you survive this dreadful week by activating this branch of your nervous system

What is the sympathetic nervous system?


The neurotransmitter that also acts as a hormone

What is norepinephrine/adrenaline?


I am TERRIFIED of needles. So, if I had to get an fMRI while having blood drawn, this brain structure would likely show high levels of activity

What is the amygdala?


Visual information from the right side of each eye is sent to this lobe (be specific)

What is the RIGHT occipital lobe?
