Observational Learning
Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Learning Influences
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This psychologist is most well known for his experiment with children that had them observe adults exhibiting violent behavior.

Who is Albert Bandura

This famous and controversial Psychologist is known for known for his work with Operant Conditioning and has a "box" named after him.
Who is B.F Skinner?
This psychologist is most well known for his experiment with dogs that made them drool at the sound of a bell

Who is Ivan Pavlov?


This type of restraint would say that any individual who cannot perform a certain task because of the physical or genetic characteristics of their being.

What is a Biological Constraint?


This part of the brain is responsible for the feeling of touch.

What is the Parietal Lobe?


These Neurons provide the neural basis for everyday imitation and observational learning.

What are Mirror Neurons


Giving a child candy for doing their chores would be this kind of reinforcement. 

Positive Reinforcement


In the famous dog conditioning experiment, a Bell prior to conditioning would be known as this.

What is a Neutral Stimulus

After taking a walk to the bathroom during a test, Mr. Francis suddenly realizes the answer to his math problem and exhibits Einstein like intelligence.

What is Insight?


A set of clear methods and descriptions of what will be done in a study is called this.

What is an operational definition?


Mr. Francis watching Lynard Skynrd Videos to learn how to play Free Bird would be known as this. 

What is Modeling


Giving children consistent compliments every time they do a certain task would be known as what?


In real life classical conditioning application the sense of pain you feel when getting a shot would be considered this.

What is a Unconditioned Response


Mr. Francis consistently has been failing to do his test corrections properly. Upon realizing this he finds that Ms. Boss eventually steps in and helps by giving him most of the answers that he needed.

What is Learned Helplessness.


This element of the Nervous system contains all of the bodily nerves that feel contact.

What is the Peripheral Nervous System? (PNS)

People followed Gandhi for his peaceful views which are an example of this kind of behavior.

What is Prosocial behavior?


The Government revoking your driver's license for repeated violations of traffic laws would be known as this.

What is Negative Punishment


A sneaky child has associated the sound of consistent thumping sounds with their parents coming into the basement to yell at them. Later when their father purchases a drum set and plays a consistent thumping sound the child now feels anxious.

What is Generalization?


Mr. Francis consistently blames the Government and space aliens for messing up his bedroom and gives up on cleaning it.  Mr. Francis would have what?

An External Locus of Control


These special detectors in our brains help us detect aspects of an image such as angle, shape, outline, movement and more.

What are feature detectors?


This concept is exemplified by the fact that a baby/infant/child will copy even the most irrelevant or small behaviors.

What is Overimitation?


This type of Reinforcement schedule leads to predictable behaviors around a set time. Like Children around the holidays.

What is a Fixed-Interval Schedule


This concept occurs after a period of extinction where the CS  triggers a weakened, yet still present, CR. 

What is Spontaneous Recovery


Mr. Francis correctly being able to identify the directions for how to drive around Madison, while avoiding the beltline and traffic would be known as this. 

What is a Cognitive Map?


This portion of your brain is responsible for regulating the Circadian Rhythm and releasing Melatonin

What is the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)