0-2 yrs, develop object permanence, fear of strangers, fine motor skills, experience world through senses
what is sensorimotor stage
0-1 yrs - trust or distrust caregiver
what is the critical period
patterns of thinking and behavior that people use to interpret the world
what is a schema?
Trust v. Mistrust - (0-1) infancy
Autonomy v. shame and doubt - (1-3) toddler
What are stages 1 and 2
childhood cognitive development (0-12 yrs), 4 stages
who is Jean Piaget
1. sensorimotor stage
2. preoperational stage
3. concrete operational stage
4. formal operational stage
what are Jean Piaget's stages of development
high expectations, no warmth, "because I said so"
what is authoritarian parenting
uses our schema to build on, interpretations within our current understanding
what is assimilation?
integrity v. despair (60+) late adult
what is stage 8
alternate perspective on childhood development, scaffolding, zone of proximal development
who is Lev Vygotsky
12+, abstract thinking, hypothetical situations, moral and mature thinking
what is formal operational stage
crave attention and fear rejection because it has happened before
what is anxious attachment
adapting current understanding to incorporate new information
what is accommodation?
initiative v. guilt - (3-6) preschool
competence v. inferiority - elementary (6-puberty)
What are Stages 3 and 4
stages of morality: preconventional (before 9), conventional (4-6 grade), postconventional (middle and high school)
who is Kohlberg
7-11 yrs, understand conservation, thinking logically and understanding concrete information
what is concrete operational stage
feel uncomfortable in close relationships with people because of rejection from caregiver
what is avoidant attachment
understanding mass/volume stay the same despite object changes
what is conservation?
generativity v. stagnation (40s-60s) middle adult
what is stage 7
8 stages - infancy to late adulthood
who is Erik Erikson
2-7 yrs, using language but not understanding logic, develop conservation, work on egocentrism,
what is preoperational stage
procedure that allows us to identify infants who effectively use a primary caregiver as a secure base
what is Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation experiment
child's difficulty taking another's point of view
what is egocentrism?
identity v. role confusion - (teen-20s) adolescence
intimacy v. isolation - (20s-40s) young adult
what are stages 5 and 6