Known as the memory journey.
What is the Method of Loci?
Someone with this condition would find it hard (nay impossible) to form new memories.
What is anterograde amnesia?
A fancy termed used to describe thinking, or more specifically, all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing and remembering.
What is cognition?
In one of the earliest theories in this field, Charles Spearman abbreviated this to a G, or the G Factor.
What is General Intelligence?
When our brain consciously switches focus between two or more stimuli.
What is Divided Attention?
This product is 90% fat free, is a tactic used to...the way a certain problem is posed.
What is frame (Framing)
When solving problems we like to find shortcuts.
What is a heuristic?
This experiment demonstrated that children develop depth perception as early as three months.
What is the visual cliff experiment?
A certain kind of study that consists of long term spaced out studying (best for long-term memory retention).
What is Distributed Practice
Sometimes we incorporate misleading or reconstructed information into our memories this is known as...
What is the misinformation effect (or confabulation)?
Being in the same location as where something was learned will help you remember it better.
What is context-dependent memory?
This theory states that intelligence is varied and specialized into 9 OR More sections.
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
What is the most accurate and currently used form of intelligence measuring?
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
The process of unconsciously encoding information
without thinking about it
What is automatic processing?
This Gestalt rule argues that we tend to perceive physically close objects as a single unit is known as what?
What is proximity?
What is the serial position effect?
When we fit new information in our preexisting schema, we assimilate. When we modify out schema to fit new information, we...
What is accommodate?
Give me an example of a monocular cue
What is: Linear Perspective, Texture Gradient, Relative Size or Motion Parallax?
Identify two kinds of processing strategies for Short term memory.
What is chunking, rehearsal, mnemonics, and hierarchies?
Identify three ways of memory retrieval and define each.
What is recall, recognition, and reconstruction?
Ebbinghaus discovered that memories are harder to remember the more time passes and that rates of forgetting slowly increase over time.
What is the forgetting curve?
A rainy day, Jorge came to the meeting soaking wet, with briefcase in hand. Jorge was doing this....
What is functional fixedness?
Give me an example of a binocular cue
What is convergence or retinal disparity?