What is the snail like structure that is involved in auditory transduction.
What allows us to see colors
What is the part of the Brain that involves sleep
Fight or flight
This disorder is caused by high levels of dopamine
The malleus, incus, and stapes have another name. What are these names?
Hammer, anvil, and stirrup
How does the pupil change as light strikes it?
Pupils get smaller
What controls memories
What other type of cell can neurotransmitters be released (not neurons)
glia cells
What Disorder has manic episodes.
Bipolar disorder
In what order does sound travel through the ear.
Which part of the eye has the best vision.
The fovea.
What controls speech production
Broca's area
What will high levels of GABA do.
Become more relaxed
Type of symptom that adds something new to a person that is not normally there
Positive symptom
Semicircular canals help us control what?
What part of the eye sends messages to the brain
Optic nerve
What lobe is responsible for visual perception
occiputal lobe
What neurotransmitters are connected to depression.
Serotonin, nor epinephrine, and dopamine
Weird, Wild, Worried
What is another name for the outer ear.
The Pinna
When a photo is taken and the eyes are pictured as red, what part of the eye is being reflected.
Red blood vessels.
If someone keeps falling down, and has no sense of balance, what part of the brain is damaged
Where are neurotransmitters located in the neuron
axon terminals
What is the #1 most diagnosed mental disorder world wide.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder