The psychologist whose work focused on training dogs to salivate.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
The designer of an operant chamber.
Who is B.F. Skinner?
A style of learning that focuses on the mental processing of concentration, thinking, and focus.
What is cognitive learning?
When you eat some pasta, get a headache, and then associate the headache with the pasta
What is Taste Aversion
The bobo doll researcher.
Who is Albert Bandura?
A process involving stimuli and anticipation of events.
What is classical conditioning?
A process involving responses and consequences.
What is operant conditioning?
When exposure to a repeated stimulus makes you less responsive.
What is habituation?
Why can't you teach a pig to sing?
Biology limits learning
What is another way to describe observational learning?
What is social learning?
An event or situation to which you respond.
What is a stimulus?
Behavior which results in punishment or reward.
What is operant behavior?
The capacity to learn new behaviors to survive in your surroundings.
What is adaptability?
A mental layout of your environment.
What is a cognitive map?
Another word for learning from watching or imitating others
What is modeling?
What is an unconditioned response?
The psychologist who developed the Law of Effect.
Who is Edward Thorndike?
His work on taste aversion is now standard psychology.
Who is Garcia or Who is Koelling?
Slot machines operate on this type of schedule.
What is a variable-ratio schedule?
This involves taking away a certain reinforcing item after the undesired behavior happens in order to decrease future responses.
What is negative punishment?
Neurons located in the frontal lobe that fire when we watch someone perform a behavior.
What are mirror neurons?