This is the biological, natural behavior that is associated with a stimulus in Classical Conditioning.
What is an Unconditioned Response?
This term in Operant Conditioning will always result in INCREASING the desired behavior.
What is reinforcement or a reinforcer?
This is the most successful type of reinforcement schedule. It rewards the subjects after an unpredictable number of responses. It is the reinforcement schedule most often used in slot machines.
What is a variable-ratio reinforcement schedule?
Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell being rung. At this point, the bell would be considered what?
What is a Conditioned Stimulus?
This term in Operant Conditioning will always result in a DECREASE of the desired behavior.
What is punishment or a punishment?
What is habituation?
Social learning theory proposes that learning can occur through this instead of direct personal involvement.
What is that learning can occur through observation?
This is what an unconditioned response turns into when it is paired with a conditioned stimulus. For example salivation at the food becomes this when it is paired with a bell.
What is a Conditioned Response?
A type of reinforcement schedule. When reinforcing or punishing a behavior, we utilize it every time the desired or undesired behavior occurs.
What is Continuous Reinforcement Schedule?
This type of learning occurs when the solution to a problem occurs without an association, consequence, or modeling.
What is insight learning?
If Beth gets in a car crash that results in her being conditioned to fear that specific location of the accident, what role does the accident play in Classical Conditioning?
What is the Unconditioned Stimulus?
This states that behaviors with reinforcing consequences are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors with punishing consequences are not as likely to be repeated.
What is the Law of Effect?
This is the description of stimulus generalization.
What is when a subject will respond to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus, as a result of the conditioning process?
This type of reinforcement schedule is the least effective. On a graph it has a scalloped shape.
What is a fixed interval reinforcement schedule?
This is how one would describe latent learning.
What is when information is learned without reinforcement but is not immediately evident.
If a dog is classically conditioned to salivate to the sound of the bell, and we remove that stimulus from the equation, what will eventually happen to the dog's conditioned response? What would it be called if the conditioned response came back quickly?
What is extinction and spontaneous recovery? The association between the bell and salivation will weaken over time until it is forgotten entirely.
** Daily Double**
This is how one would describe, using examples, the difference between positive and negative punishment.
What is positive punishment involves introducing a negative stimulus (spanking, extra chores, a pop quiz) to decrease a behavior and negative punishment involves removing a desired stimulus (confiscating a phone or car keys, access to snacks/candy being taken away) to decrease a behavior?
** Daily Double**
If a test subject has been conditioned to salivate to a bell, but will not also salivate to a whistle, we would consider it an example of this term.
What is stimulus discrimination?
A reinforcement schedule. When we wait for a specific number of responses utilizing the desired behavior, we reinforce.
What is a Fixed-Ratio Reinforcement Schedule
This is a full summary of Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Experiment, including a description of the premise of the experiment and the UCS, CS, UCR, and CR.
What is training dogs to salivate at the sound of a tone, UCS: food, UCR: salivation at food, CS: tone, CR: salivation at tone?