Sensation and Perception
Cognitive Psychology
Motivation, Emotion, and Personality

Jerry is not able to tie his shoes on his own, but he is able to tie his shoes with the help of his father.  Which of the following theories best explains the interaction between Jerry and his father?

  1. Mary Ainsworth’s theory of attachment because it focuses on whether a child has a secure or insecure attachment.

  2. Lev Vygotsky’s social learning theory, because it focuses on whether a child has a secure or insecure attachment.

  3. Lev Vygotsky’s social learning theory, because it focuses on the zone of proximal development.

  4. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, because it includes the concept of the zone of proximal development.

  5. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, because it includes the concept of the Oedipal complex.

3. Lev Vygotsky’s social learning theory, because it focuses on the zone of proximal development.


Using cell phones while driving increases the number of accidents because use of the phones requires

  1. Perceptual Constancy

  2. Feature Detection

  3. Sensory Adaptation

  4. Blindsight

  5. Selective Attention

5. Selective Attention


In their discussions of the process of development, the advocates of nature in the nature-nurture controversy emphasize which of the following?

  1. Socialization

  2. Cognition

  3. Maturation

  4. Experience

  5. Information Processing

3. Maturation


Which of the following is an example of metacognition?

  1. Memorizing 100 words in a foreign language

  2. Recognizing the faces of people after meeting them once

  3. Solving a complex problem in a slow, deliberate way

  4. Understanding the role of various parts of the brain in memory

  5. Knowing the effectiveness of different strategies for learning statistical formulas

5. Knowing the effectiveness of different strategies for learning statistical formulas


Which of the following relates most to the lowest level of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

  1. Social affiliation

  2. Self-actualization

  3. Fight-or-flight response

  4. Intrinsic motivation

  5. Drive reduction

5. Drive Reduction


Zeke is attempting to learn more about his world.  When he encounters a new object, he picks it up and puts it in his mouth.  Zeke is most likely in which of Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?

  1. Sensorimotor

  2. Preoperational

  3. Concrete Operational

  4. Formal Operational

  5. Postconventional

1. Sensorimotor


Tina is reading an important letter when she accidentally splashes water on the paper.  The water has smudged a few words, but she is still able to understand what the letter says.  This can be explained by:

  1. Top-down processing

  2. Bottom-up processing

  3. Parallel processing

  4. Retinal disparity

  5. Color constancy

1. Top-down processing


Of the following, an evolutionary psychologist will most likely investigate the

  1. Age of children when they speak their first words

  2. Speed of an action potential

  3. Reason why many people have an innate fear of the dark

  4. Factors that make a person feel accepted by others

  5. Features of a car that make it easier for a person to operate.

3. Reason why many people have an innate fear of the dark


According to research by Fergus I.M. Craik and Endel Tulving on levels of processing, which of the following would most improve the ability to recall the word “umbrella”?

  1. Counting the number of syllables in the word “umbrella”

  2. Deciding whether an umbrella would be useful to pack for a trip

  3. Mentally spelling the word “umbrella”

  4. Writing the word “umbrella”

  5. Deciding whether the word “umbrella” rhymes with the word “banana”

2. Deciding whether an umbrella would be useful to pack for a trip


Which of the following correctly lists Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from bottom to top?

  1. Safety, physiological, esteem

  2. Basic, subordinate, intermediate

  3. Basic, subordinate, superordinate

  4. Physiological, safety, esteem, belonging, self-actualization

  5. Physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization

5. Physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization


An individual’s fear of dogs that is lost as the individual is exposed to dogs in non-threatening situations is referred to by behaviorists as a fear that has been

  1. Satiated

  2. Suppressed

  3. Repressed

  4. Extinguished

  5. Punished




The table above is most likely to be used in a study investigating which of the following?

  1. Prisoner’s dilemma

  2. Systematic desensitization 

  3. Gene-environment interactions

  4. The blind spot

  5. Signal detection

5. Signal detection


Which of the following accurately describes a major change in perspective in the field of developmental psychology over the past twenty-five years?

  1. A shift from an emphasis on childhood and adolescence to an interest in development over the lifespan.

  2. A shift from a cognitive to a psychoanalytic interpretation of developmental phenomena.

  3. A shift in research focus from cognitive to personality development.

  4. A decrease in interest in the physiological factors affecting growth and development.

  5. A decrease in interest in the study of the cognitive components of intellect.

1. A shift from an emphasis on childhood and adolescence to an interest in development over the lifespan.


A teacher has to learn 170 new student names every year and finds it difficult to remember the names of former students.  The teacher’s memory problem most likely results from

  1. Proactive interference

  2. Retroactive interference

  3. Retroactive amnesia

  4. Anterograde amnesia

  5. The misinformation effect

2. Retroactive interference


Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer view emotion as resulting from

  1. Biochemical changes in the pituitary 

  2. Cognitive labels of physiological changes

  3. Instinctual behavior

  4. Level of arousal

  5. Need for affiliation 

2. Cognitive labels of physiological changes


A four-year-old child frequently pulled on the dog’s tail to gain attention.  To reduce this undesirable behavior, the parent took away one hour of television viewing every time the child pulled the dog’s tail.  Within one week, the undesirable behavior was significantly reduced.  The above scenario illustrates

  1. Positive reinforcement

  2. Negative reinforcement

  3. Negative punishment

  4. Positive punishment

  5. Extinction


Negative punishment


The change in the curvature of the lens that enables the eye to focus on objects at various distances is called

  1. Accommodation

  2. Adaptation

  3. Conduction

  4. Convergence

  5. Consonance 

1. Accommodation


Although Paul seems bright and capable to his parents and friends, he has been failing in school.  Paul agrees to speak with a psychologist who suggests that his problems stem from internal processes such as unrealistic expectations and negative thinking.  The psychologist’s view is typical of which of the following models of behavior?

  1. Psychoanalytic

  2. Humanistic

  3. Cognitive

  4. Sociobiological

  5. Behavioral

3. Cognitive


Recent research on Jean Piaget’s cognitive stage theory of development indicates that

  1. The ages of onset for the sensorimotor and preoperational stages of cognitive development are essentially the same.

  2. The ages of onset for the preoperational and formal operational stages of cognitive development are essentially the same.

  3. The age of onset for the sensorimotor stage occurs much later than originally established.

  4. The ages of onset for many cognitive milestones occur earlier than originally established.

  5. It is not possible to establish the ages of onset for cognitive developmental stages before a child is five years old.

4. The ages of onset for many cognitive milestones occur earlier than originally established.


According to psychoanalytic theory, Tom’s constant shoplifting suggests that he has an underdeveloped

  1. Id

  2. Superego

  3. Defense mechanism

  4. Pleasure principle

  5. libido

2. Superego


Which of the following is the best example of shaping?

  1. A child receives five dollars each time he cleans his room.

  2. An employee receives a termination notice after coming to work late every day over a period of three months.

  3. A child gets candy from a dispenser one time but gets nothing from the dispenser the next two times.

  4. A teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on Monday, fifteen minutes on Tuesday, twenty minutes on Wednesday, and thirty minutes on Thursday.

  5. A rat receives a mild shock each time it tries to open the door of its cage

4. A teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on Monday, fifteen minutes on Tuesday, twenty minutes on Wednesday, and thirty minutes on Thursday.


The general function of the bones in the middle ear is to

  1. Convert the incoming sound from pounds per square inch to decibels

  2. Protect the cochlea

  3. Regulate change in the air pressure of the inner ear

  4. Transfer sound information from the tympanic membrane to the oval window

  5. Provide information to the vestibular system

4. Transfer sound information from the tympanic membrane to the oval window


Shaquille is 25 years old and is actively dating in order to find someone to settle down with.  Which of the following theorists would best be able to explain Shaquille’s behavior

  1. Erik Erikson

  2. Lawrence Kohlberg

  3. Carol Gilligan

  4. Sigmund Freud

  5. B.F. Skinner

1. Erik Erikson


There are four aces in a 52-card deck of playing cards.  Prior to drawing a card from the deck, Mary Alice estimates the chance that she will draw an ace and win a prize.  Over a series of trials, she did not draw an ace, so she replaced the card she had drawn, shuffled the deck, and drew a card.  The graph above shows her estimates of how likely it was that she would draw an ace on the next trial.  The pattern of Mary Alice’s thinking reflects what psychological phenomenon?

  1. Mental set

  2. Flynn effect

  3. Availability heuristic

  4. Gambler’s fallacy

  5. Reasoning by analogy

4. Gambler’s fallacy


Raven is an artist who is relaxed, self-disciplined, and emotionally stable.  She is very trusting and cooperative.  She prefers staying at home to going out socially.  Which of the following diagrams best represent Raven’s personality according to the Big Five trait dimensions?

  • N = Neuroticism

  • A = Agreeableness

  • E = Extraversion

  • C = Conscientiousness

  • O = Openness

