The extension of the neuron that receives the message
What is a Dendrite?
This part of the brain is mainly responsible for aggression and fear
What is the Amygdala?
The brain and the spinal cord are the only parts of this system.
What is the central nervous system?
Sound is interpreted by the
What is the Temporal Lobe?
Depression is closely linked with these two neurotransmitters.
What is Serotonin and Norepinephrine?
When an electric charge is released from a cell body, down an axon to the terminal buds, resulting in communication from one neuron to another.
What is axon potential?
This part of the brain includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, amygdala, and hippocampus
What is the Limbic System?
These types of nerves carry information to the brain and spinal cord via sensory receptors.
What are afferent nerves?
This structure in the brain creates new long term memories.
What is the Hippocampus?
This is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter as it's job is to prevent body parts from being used when they aren't needed, such as during sleep
What is GABA?
A layer of fatty tissue encasing the fibers of many neurons: enables vastly greater transmission speed of neural impulses.
What is Myelin Sheath?
This part of the brain controls the pituitary gland and therefore major physical drives (the 5 F's).
What is the Hypothalamus?
This system calms a person down after they have experienced stress.
What is the parasympathetic system?
The concentration of radioactive glucose in active regions of the brain underlies the usefulness of this tool.
What are PET Scans?
Sodium ions and a positive charge are on the outside of the cell, while potassium ions and a negative charge are on the inside of the cell, while the neuron is in this phase.
What is resting potential?
Just like Phineas Gage, damage to your ______ lobe will not kill you, but will change your _______
What is Frontal Lobe/Personality?
This system regulates our unconscious body activities, such as breathing, digestion and heartbeats.
What is the autonomic nervous system?
Damage to this part of the Brainstem would result in death as you wouldn't be able to regulate heart rate or breathing
What is the Medulla?
If some neurotransmitters remain in the synapse after others have been received by a neuron, this happens to the excess.
What is reuptake?
These two are associated areas, not specific to a particular part of the brain, but used in high functioning skills, such as language.
What are Broca's Area and Werneicke's Area?
If this organ is faulty, it does not produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, resulting in diabetes.
What is the pancreas?
When Mary was younger she fell off the swing and had a metal plate placed in her head. What type of brain scan is Mary not allowed to get?
What is an MRI?