The Punisher
Lesson Learned
Take it to the Limit
Next Top Model

This is the biological, natural behavior that is associated with a stimulus in Classical Conditioning.

What is an Unconditioned Response


The psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning was ________________.

Who is BF Skinner


The process by which a subject picks up a new behavior (either in classical or operant conditioning)

What is acquisition?


A biological limitation, this idea focuses on how certain foods may be favored over harmful foods without the process of conditioning needing to take place.

What is taste aversion?


Negative, destructive, unhelpful behavior learned through observation.

What are Antisocial Effects?


Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell being rung. At this point, the bell would be considered what?

What is a Conditioned Stimulus


This term in Operant Conditioning will always result in a DECREASE of the targeted behavior.

What is punishment, or a punisher?


This schedule reinforces a desired behavior some of the time in no apparent pattern.

What is an variable (intermittent/partial) Schedule?


A personal limitation, the ability to manage impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards.

What is self-control?


Positive, constructive, helpful behavior learned through observation.

What are Prosocial Effects?

When it was first introduced, the bell in Pavlov's experiment was considered one of these. After conditioning, it became a conditioned stimulus.
What is a Neutral Stimulus

When a teacher gives you an A+ because you worked hard on an essay, what form of Operant Conditioning is being used?

What is Positive Reinforcement?


If a test subject has been conditioned to salivate to a bell, but may also salivate to a whistle, we would consider it an example of this term.

What is generalization?


A personal limitation to learning. The desire to perform a behavior centers on the opportunity to receive promised rewards or to avoid punishments and consequences.

What is Extrinsic Motivation?


An adult sticks their tongue out in front of a newborn baby and then the baby sticks its tongue out at the adult. This is an example of ________________.

What is observational learning?


If Beth gets in a car crash that results in her being conditioned to fear that specific location of the accident, what role does the accident play in Classical Conditioning?

What is the Unconditioned Stimulus


This term in Operant Conditioning will always result in INCREASING the desired behavior.

What is reinforcement or a reinforcer?


When learning has occurred, but it may not be apparent until an incentive has been given to the test subject to demonstrate their learning.

What is latent learning?


This occurs when repeated attempts to control a situation fail, resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable and there is nothing that they can do about it.

What is learned helplessness


In learning, the process of showing a behavior for imitation

What is Modeling?


If a person is classically conditioned to flinch in response to the word "CAN" (after being trained with a water spray), what will happen to the behavior if we repeatedly present the word "CAN" but never spray the water?

What is extinction. The association between the word and the behavior will weaken over time until it is forgotten entirely.


A reinforcement schedule. When we wait for a specific number of responses utilizing the desired behavior, we reinforce.

What is a Fixed-Ratio Reinforcement Schedule


In Operant Conditioning, the process of a test subject getting closer and closer to the desired behavior each time they are reinforced or punished.

What is shaping?


Tolman experimented with rats in a maze. He discovered that rats develop a ___________ of their environment which allowed the rats to complete the maze faster over time.  

What is mental map/cognitive map


This famous psychologist produced the "bobo doll experiment" to measure the effects of observational learning and violence in young children.

Who is Albert Bandura?


The reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response after some time has passed.

What is spontaneous recovery?


A type of reinforcement schedule. When reinforcing or punishing a behavior, we utilize it every time the desired or undesired behavior occurs.

What is Continuous Reinforcement Schedule


Birds, who hunt by sight, appear to be biologically primed to develop aversions to the ____________ of tainted food.

What is sight?


This is a way to eliminate or reduce stress by directly changing the stressor or changing how you interact with the stressor.  

Problem-focused coping 


Frontal Lobe nerve cells that fire when performing specific motor actions but also when observing others do so.

What are Mirror Neurons?
