The diminishing of a conditioned response
Active, but possibly unconscious, defense mechanism to erase memories
The ability to produce novel or valuable ideas
Accumulated knowledge of facts, increases with age
Crystallized intelligence
Jean Piaget
Learning that happens when a behavior is rewarded or punished
Operant conditioning (token economy also acceptable)
Repetition of information to keep it in memory
Maintenance rehearsal
The smallest unit of sound in language
Pseudoscience that aimed to sterilize people with lower intelligence
Forgetting Curve, that memory of something decreases without rehearsal
Hermann Ebbinghaus
In Pavlov's experiments, the role that the bell played
Conditioned stimulus
Attributing a true memory or fact to the wrong origin
Source amnesia
Thinking strategy that uses quick judgment and assumptions
IQ scores increase over time in a population
Flynn Effect
Created the first intelligence test, coined "mental age"
Learning that happens when multiple unrelated stimuli become associated
Classical conditioning
Region of the brain that processes and stores explicit memories
The best mental example of a category or object
Theory of mind that explains either internal or external blame
Locus of Control
First proposed the g factor, or general intelligence
Charles Spearman
Decreasing behavior by adding a stimulus
Positive punishment
The increase in a synapse's firing potential after constant stimulation
Long-term potentiation
Concept that language shapes semantic processing
Linguistic determinism
One standard deviation of IQ equals this many points
Theory of universal grammar
Noam Chomsky