Important People
Problems with Memory

What are the stages of memory in order?

Encoding, Storage, Retrieval


What is a phenome?

Smallest meaningful unit of sound in a language?


What is the name of Skinner's theory that relates to language?

Skinner's Theory of Language Acquisition


What is intelligence?

The ability to learn and use resources effectively


What is amnesia?

A person's full or partial loss of memory.


What is retroactive interference?

Newer memories interfere with the retrieval of older memories.


What is the critical period for language?

Childhood is the best time for mastering certain aspects of language.


What did Hermann Ebbinghaus establish?

Forgetting Curve


What did James Flynn find out?

There has been a substantial and long sustained increase in intelligence scores between generations.


What is the forgetting curve?

Exponential loss of info after learning it


Where are short-term memories stored?


Which ages are full sentences usually mastered?



What theory did Howard Gardner come up with? Explain it.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences; People have a number of different kinds of intelligence that are separate from each other.


What syndrome did Gardner's theory help explain?

Savant Syndrome


Why does the brain repress certain memories?

Minimize anxiety


When a person gets into a car crash, when questioned by the police, they usually describe a more destructive scene than what actually happened. What phenomenon do they experience?

Misinformation effect


What lobe of the brain is Broca's area in?

Frontal Lobe


What 2 factors did John Horn and Raymond Cattell divide intelligence into?

Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence


Why are old people not very good at adapting to modern technology?

Fluid intelligence tends to decrease with age.


Bob tells Jeff that it is a good idea to study while drinking orange juice. A couple months later, Jeff tells his friend the same things, thinking that he came up with it on his own and forgetting that Bob was the one who gave him the idea. What did Jeff experience?

Source Amnesia


When Bob is having fun at Disneyland with his friends, he can easily recall the order of rides they went the last time they went together and had fun. When Bob is having a bad day and is asked what order of rides they went the last time they went, he finds it harder and even forgets some. Explain why this occurred.

State-dependent memory is the phenomenon when one recalls a memory easier when they are in the same state as they were when the memory was formed. In this scenario, when Bob is happy at Disneyland just like he was the last time they went, it is easier for him to recall the order, but when he is sad because he had a bad day, he is in a different state than he was before, so the order is harder to recall.


Bob, a 2 year old, saw a red car on the TV so he pointed at it and said "red car." If Bob's mom is a follower of Skinner's Theory of Language Acquisition, what will she do now?

Provide Bob with positive reinforcement


Describe Wolfgang Kohler's experiment.

Wolfgang Kohler obtained several different chimps and locked each of them in a cage with bananas hanging from the ceiling, but out of reach from the chimps. In the cage within reach of the chimps were two boxes and a big stick with a hole through it and two smaller sticks. The chimps realized they could not naturally reach the bananas, so they sat and tried thinking of ways to reach them. Eventually, some of them had a moment of insight where they realized that they could put the two small sticks into the big stick to knock the bananas down or stack the boxes to reach the bananas. Kohler was conducting this experiment to determine that insight learning was in fact a real psychological phenomenon, and this experiment provided evidence for it.


Throughout most of history, old people have been accredited with being the most wise people. Explain how this may have been believed in relation to intelligence.

Crystallized intelligence is the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills acquired throughout one's life. Crystallized intelligence tends to increase with age, so old people usually have the most of this, and by this have more experience and thereby are seen as the most wise.


After looking at a grocery list, Bob only recalls the first two items on the list: milk and cheese. Explain the most likely reason that this occurred.

The primacy effect is when a person recalls the first items of a list better than anything else on the list. In this scenario, Bob has read the list, but because milk and cheese are the first terms of the list, he remembers those best compared to the rest.
