The Brain
Split Brain

Researchers studying the association areas of the brain have shown that

a. complex mental functions do not reside in one place.

b. we only use 10 percent of our brains.

c. glial cells are less important for this area.

d. they are located only in the frontal lobe.

e. their functions are easily isolated.

a. complex mental functions do not reside in one place.


By which minimum can DNA sequences differ for there to be significant differences in behavior?

a. less than 1 percent

b. 5 percent

c. 10 percent

d. 25 percent

e. 50 percent or greater

a. less than 1 percent


Split-brain patients can draw two figures independently much better than individuals with an intact brain because

a. they have developed better vision.

b. a larger area of their motor cortex is for finger dexterity.

c. there are no interfering motor responses because each hemisphere is acting separately.

d. the corpus callosum has become larger.

e. their thought processes have become simplified.

c. there are no interfering motor responses because each hemisphere is acting separately.


Two adopted children raised in the same home are

a. nearly as similar as fraternal twins raised together.

b. nearly as similar as identical twins raised apart.

c. no more alike than two children raised in the same neighborhood.

d. more likely to have nearly identical levels of intelligence.

e. very likely to get nearly identical grades in school.

c. no more alike than two children raised in the same neighborhood.


Phineas Gage’s brain was injured in an accident. Afterward, he lost his ability to inhibit many aspects of his behavior. The damaged area of his brain was the

a. occipital lobes.

b. motor cortex.

c. sensory cortex.

d. cerebellum.

e. frontal lobes.

e. frontal lobes.


An experienced, practiced soccer player has a larger than usual area in his motor cortex designated to his feet. This is a result of the brain’s

a. aphasia.

b. glial cells.

c. association areas.

d. plasticity.

e. subdivisions.

d. plasticity.


Behavior geneticists attempting to isolate the relative effects of genes and environment would be most interested in studying

a. fraternal twins raised apart.

b. same aged nontwin siblings raised apart.

c. same aged nontwin siblings raised together.

d. identical twins raised apart.

e. identical twins raised together.

d. identical twins raised apart.


A split brain patient has a picture of a dog flashed to his right hemisphere and a cat to his left hemisphere.  He will be able to identify the?

a. cat using his right hand

b. dog using his right hand

c. dog using either hand

d. cat using either hand

e. cat using his left hand

a. cat using his right hand


Generally speaking, heritability is the extent to which

a. differences among people are accounted for by genes

b. an individual's specific traits are due to genes or the environment

c. differences among people are due to the environment

d. differences among people are due to their cultural heritage 

e. an individual's height is related to the height of his or her parents  

a. differences among people are accounted for by genes


Because of her severe epileptic seizures, 5-year-old Lily has had an entire hemisphere removed. Which of the following will happen?

a. She will need years of therapy to function minimally.

b. She will lose her ability to speak fluently.

c. She will be deprived of the benefits of neurogenesis.

d. She will have difficulty in inhibiting her emotions.

e. She will do amazingly well because of the brain’s plasticity.

e. She will do amazingly well because of the brain’s plasticity.


Right-left differences in the intact brain indicate that

a. only the left hemisphere is necessary to discern the subtleties of language.

b. the right hemisphere excels in making inferences about language.

c. hemisphere specialization cannot be studied in the intact brain.

d. the hemispheres do not perform distinct functions.

e. in most individuals, spoken language arises from the right hemisphere.

b. the right hemisphere excels in making inferences about language.


An important potential use of DNA knowledge is that molecular geneticists will be able to

a. predict possible risks so preventive steps can be taken.

b. determine which individual gene causes learning disabilities.

c. see how genes influence behavior.

d. figure out the heritability for any given individual.

e. specify the relationship between genes and chromosomes.

a. predict possible risks so preventive steps can be taken.


The large band of neural fibers connecting the two hemispheres and carrying messages between them, is known as the

a. split brain

b. corpus callosum

c. dual processing

d. cognitive threads

e. neuro fibers

b. corpus callosum


Which of the following is most clearly associated with the idea of epigenetic?

a. eye color

b. gene display based on environmental factors

c. IQ as a function of educational experiences 

d. height at birth

e. shoe size

b. gene display based on environmental factors


In the brain, unconscious information processing

a. occurs only in infants.

b. dominates our conscious awareness.

c. is not related to neural processing.

d. occurs serially on a limited level.

e. occurs in parallel with conscious information processing.

e. occurs in parallel with conscious information processing.


Cognitive neuroscientists

a. fully agree how conscious experiences arise from the brain.

b. disagree about how conscious experiences arises from the brain.

c. only study conscious functions of the cortex.

d. only study unconscious functions of the cortex.

e. rarely use brain-scanning technology.

b. disagree about how conscious experiences arises from the brain.


The study of environmental influences on gene expression that occurs without a DNA change is called

a. heritability.

b. epigenetics.

c. maturation.

d. molecular genetics

e. behavior genetics.

b. epigenetics.


A person who has undergone split brain surgery can simultaneously draw two different shapes.

a. True

b. False

a. True


One reason identical twins might show slight differences at birth is

a. they did not develop from a single fertilized egg

b. one twin's placenta may have provided slightly better nourishment

c. they develop from different sperm

d. one twin gestated much longer in the uterus than the other

e. their relative positions in the uterus

b. one twin's placenta may have provided slightly better nourishment


Which of the following is most likely to be a function of the left hemisphere?

a. speech

b. evaluating perceptual tasks

c. making inferences

d. identifying emotion in other people's faces

e. identifying one's sense of self

a. speech


Damage to which of the following could interfere with the ability to plan for the future

a. frontal lobe

b. temporal lobe

c. parietal lobe

d. occipital lobe

e. somatosensory cortex 

a. frontal lobe


Our shared genetic heritage predisposes us to have

a. similar prenatal care.

b. affectionate interactions with an extended family.

c. no variation at particular gene sites.

d. the ability to predict complex behaviors by examining one gene.

e. common behavioral tendencies.

e. common behavioral tendencies.


Split brain surgery is utilized in order to treat which disorder?

a. schizophrenia 

b. bipolar disorder

c. epilepsy

d. dementia 

e. hysteria 

c. epilepsy


Human genome researchers have discovered that

a. chimps are completely different than humans, sharing a small amount of DNA

b. the occasional variations found at particular gene sites in human DNA are of no interest to science

c. many genes do not influence most of our traits

d. nearly every other human is your genetically identical twin

e. genetic predispositions do not help explain our shared human nature and our human diversity 

d. nearly every other human is your genetically identical twin


The idea that information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscience and unconscious tracks

a. dual processing

b. dual conscious 

c. subconscious 

d. inter consciousness

e. intra consciousness 

a. dual processing
