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Despots, Dictators and Devils

Known as the “King of Paper,” he ruled the Spanish Empire in its siglo de oro but crashed the ship of state on the shoals of religious orthodoxy.

Who is Philip II (1556-98)?


A form of manufacturing that developed in the 17th-18th centuries as a way of entrepreneurs to bypass the guild system and use rural families eager to supplement their meager incomes.

What is cottage industry?

  • The concept of childhood was the work really of these two philosophers, one British and one French.

  • Who are John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau?


In 1453, this city’s capture by Ottoman Turks completed the exodus of Greek scholars to Italy and led to Russian claims that Moscow was now the “Third Rome.”

What is Constantinople?


Considered a reforming autocrat, he tried to modernize Russia by freeing the serfs, only to foment revolutionary movements, which assassinated him in 1881.

Who is Alexander II (1855-81)?


This monarch started his reign with a rebellion (the “Fronde”) but recovered to create the dominance of French politics and culture in the Age of ________...

Who is Louis XIV (1643-1715)?


Signed in 1991, this agreement created the European Union and set the stage for the introduction of the euro ten years later.

What is the Maastricht Treaty?


Passed in 1833, this law provided for at least two hours of education for each child and limited their work hours to 10.

What is the Factory Act?


The architect of “ethnic cleansing,” this nationalist Serb leader promoted three wars in the Balkans following the break-up of Yugoslavia, 1991-99.

Who is Slobodan Milosevic?


This model of Prussian frugality and rectitude helped advance the army, create an efficient civil service, but did not get along with his talented son.

  • Who is Frederick William I (1713-40)?


Her name is synonymous with an age of prosperity, bourgeois respectability, and English imperial greatness.

Who is Queen Victoria I (1837-1901)


The prevailing philosophy of the 17th-18th centuries, it emphasized the search for colonies, specie, and government control of the economy.

What is mercantilism?


The half century in which most European nations moved toward a system of universal compulsory education.

  • What is 1850-1900?


An unnecessary war that symbolized the breakdown of the Concert of Europe.  It set the stage for German and Italian unification.

  • What is the Crimean War (1853-56)?


Started as a Renaissance ruler but became obsessed with gaining a male heir, which led to his ultimate break with the RCC.  Also created his nation’s first navy.

Who is King Henry VIII (1509-47)?


This bombastic and mercurial ruler wrecked the genius of Bismarck by undoing the treaty with Russia and antagonizing Great Britain.

  • Who is Kaiser Wilhelm II (1888-1918)?


When Russia refused to adhere to this trade system aimed at Great Britain, Napoleon decided to invade in 1812.

What is the Continental System?


A major goal of the women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s, access to this would allow women to have careers and not be burdened indefinitely with domestic duties.

What is birth control?


Taking their cue from Khrushchev’s secret speech in 1956, Hungary revolted, led by this man.

Who is Imre Nagy?


Gained his power by manipulating his position as Secretary of the CPSU, then led a rapid industrialization between 1928-38, which cost his nation millions of people.

Who is Josef Stalin (1928-53)?


Last king of France, he took power in July 1830 Revolution, but resisted demands for the expansion of suffrage, leading to his ouster in 1848.

Who is King Louis-Phillippe (1830-48)?


Perhaps the most significant invention of the First Industrial Revolution, it changed society’s sense of time and place and was able to bring inexpensive goods to market in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

What are railroads?


A Renaissance work that described the ideal behavior of men and women; it symbolized the humanist concern with appearance, manners, and social climbing.

What is The Book of the Courtier, by Castiglione?


At the Congress of Berlin, this nation was forced to disgorge its recent gains against the Ottoman Empire, which threatened Bismarck’s delicate alliance system.

What is Russia?


More a buffoon than an evil dictator, he was never able to create the kind of totalitarian state that his German ally did.

Who is Benito Mussolini (1922-43)?
