AP Human Geography
AP World History
AP U.S. History
AP Government & Politics
AP European History
This is the process by which innovations and ideas spread to other areas.
What is cultural diffusion?
Written language was derived from this alphabet.
What is the Phoenician alphabet?
The document procured for the states of NY VA, NC, and RI in return for their ratification of the Constitution.
What is the Bill of Rights?
A problem with this document that preceded the Constitution was that it could not levy taxes or regulate commerce.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
“Liberty, equality, fraternity” was the motto of this major European event.
What is the French Revolution?
This compares birth and death rates in a population over time.
What is the demographic transition model?
This is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment that was part of the samurai bushido honor code.
What is seppuku?
The first representative assembly in Virginia, containing mainly the so called “First Families of Virginia”.
What is the House of Burgesses?
This Supreme Court case gave us the iconic phrase "separate but equal."
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was carried out by a nationalist from this country.
What is Serbia?
These are the three general types of movement recognized by geographers and others who study human mobility.
What are cyclic movement, periodic movement, and migratory movement?
A term traditionally used in Spain and Latin America to mean a person of combined European and Amerindian descent.
What is mestizo?
The US presidents in office at the beginning of WWII and the end of WWII.
Who are Franklin D. Roosevelt, followed by Harry Truman?
The process by which background traits influence one's political views.
What is political socialization?
The term for countries taking tension to the verge of conflict, such as during the Cold War.
What is Brinkmanship?
The positive conditions and perceptions that effectively attract people to new locale from other areas.
What are pull factors?
This man declared on 1 November, 1936 that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term "Axis."
What is Benito Mussolini?
The principal author of “Declaration of Sentiments” which was presented at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and a leading figure in women’s fight for suffrage.
Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
This court case allowed candidates to donate unlimited amounts of money to their own campaign.
What is Buckley v. Valeo?
The German technique used during WWII that immobilized enemy forces quickly through the use of locally.
What is Blitzkrieg?
This technique tries to trace back linguistic family trees by deducing a large part of the vocabulary of an extinct language to recreate a preceding language.
What is deep reconstruction?
This was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $13 billion in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.
What is The Marshall Plan?
This was passed by Congress in 1964 during the Vietnam War; it granted Johnson the power to use military force in SE Asia without having to ask for an official declaration of war.
What is Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
A type of third party that has split away from one of the major parties; usually formed around a strong personality who does not win the party nomination; may disappear when that leader steps aside. e.g. Bull Moose Party
What is a splinter party?
The pope during the historic event that occurred on October 31st, 1517.
Who is Pope Leo X? (Martin Luther nails 95 Theses to church door)