Exam Logistics

Do you write in pen or pencil? 

Pen (blue or black)


What is the recommended amount of time that you should spend on EOC Part B?

1 hour and 15 minutes

(College Board recommends 1 hour and 30 minutes)


How do you respond to Question 1 in Part A effectively?

Correctly identify all the main parts of the argument - usually there is more than one main part of the argument


Demonstrate understanding of the argument as a whole


How many parts make up the exam and what are they called?


Part A and Part B

What kind of essay are you writing for EOC Part B?

argumentative essay


What is the recommended amount of time that you should spend on EOC Part A?

40 to 45 minutes, although College Board recommends 30 min

How long is the exam?

2 hours


How many point is EOC Part B worth?

24 points


How many points is EOC Part A worth?

15 points


How much is the EOC exam weighted (%) in terms of your overall AP score?



How do you form an argument/thesis statement for EOC Part B?

1. Identify a theme that is found across all 4 sources. 

2. Based on the theme, create an original argument. Your argument must come from the theme AND your perspective. 

3. You are not summarizing your theme or the sources. You are arguing about a debatable issue. 


How do you respond to Question 2 in Part A effectively?

Correctly identify most of the claims that author uses to support their overall argument


Clearly explain the relationships between the claims (how do they connect and link? and how do they relate to the overall argument? and the multiple perspectives used in their claims to support the argument)


Which part of the exam (A or B) do you have to start and finish first?

Neither. You can start on Part B before Part A, or vice versa.


What is the outline for the EOC Part B argumentative essay?


  • Theme and some context/evidence for the theme

  • Argument (this is your thesis statement, which should include your side according to the criteria below and 2 to 3 claims or main points to support your argument)

Body 1 Claim #1:

  • Evidence from a source to support claim:

  • Evidence from your general knowledge to support claim:

    • You can use tier evidence to do this--think of a current event, an historical event, or something from fiction that you can use that is specific to help argue this claim

Body 2 Claim #2:

  • Evidence from a source to support claim:

  • Evidence from your general knowledge to support claim:

    • You can use tier evidence to do this--think of a current event, an historical event, or something from fiction that you can use that is specific to help argue this claim

Counterargument Body Paragraph 3

  • Counterargument:

  • Rebuttal:

  • Evidence from a source to support rebuttal:

  • Evidence from your general knowledge to support rebuttal:


  • answer the so what question? explain why this argument/problem is important? why should we care about it?


How do you respond to Question 3 in Part A effectively?

Evaluates the effectiveness and credibility of the evidence used to support the argument

For each piece of evidence the author uses to support their claims, check if there is a source to support it

If there is no source, how does this affect the credibility and effectiveness of the evidence?

If there is a source, where is it from? How does this affect the credibility and effectiveness of the evidence?
