The location of the test
The amount of questions for the multiple choice
What is 30 questions?
The length of the free response written section
What is 1 hour, 10 minutes?
The amount of time you have to deliver your presentation speaking
What is 2 minutes?
Who sings La Fama?
Rosalia & The Weeknd
The length of the test (without breaks)
What is ~3 hours?
The amount of questions for the multiple choice WITH audio
What is 35 questions?
The amount of questions for the free response written section
What is 2 questions?
The amount of time you get per response for the simulated conversation
What is 20 seconds?
The amount of sections for the test
What is 4 sections?
The length of the multiple choice section
What is 40 minutes?
The amount of sources you get to use for the presentational writing
What is 3 sources?
The amount of exchanges in the simulated conversation
What is 5 exchanges?
Where can I find resources for AP Spanish?
AP Classroom
The day of the AP Spanish exam
What is May 15th, 2025?
The length of the multiple choice WITH audio section
What is 55 minutes?
The length of the interpersonal writing section
What is 15 minutes?
Length of the free response spoken section
What is 18 minutes?
What is most necessary for AP Spanish success?
Practice and effort
The time the test starts
What is 8 AM Local?
The percent of your score the two multiple choice sections account for
What is 50 percent?
The length of the presentational writing
What is 55 minutes?
The most necessary part of the presentational speaking
What is a cultural comparison?
What is the AP Spanish pass rate?