Times and Dates
Titles and Capitalization

Which is correct when talking about multiple people? 

#1: I have the girls' hair ties

#2: I have the girl's hair ties

I have the girls' hair ties


Does AP Style use st, nd, rd or th after a date?

No, AP Style never uses these after a date.


Generally, when do you spell a number and when do you use figures?

Spell one through nine, use figures for anything 10 and above.


Which is correct?: 

#1: Steve Schwartz, the interim president of Fort Lewis College

#2:Steve Schwartz, the Interim President of Fort Lewis College

#1: Steve Schwartz, the interim president of Fort Lewis College. 


What is the correct comma usage?

#1: Justin Case, the emergency coordinator at Mercy West Hospital, has always been interested in close-calls.

#2: Justin Case the emergency coordinator at Mercy West Hospital, has always been interested in close-calls.

#1: Justin Case, the emergency coordinator at Mercy West Hospital, has always been interested in close-calls.


What is the correct use of am and pm? 

#1: The dog was barking at 3PM

#2: The dog was barking at 3 am

#3: The dog was barking at 3 a.m.

#3. The dog was barking at 3 a.m.


Which is correct?

#1: 21st Century

#2: Twentyfirst Century

#1: 21st Century


Which is correct?

#1: President Donald Trump

#2: president Donald Trump

#1: President Donald Trump


Which words would I need a hyphen between? 

First year student, in text citations, cars that are self driving, merry go round

first-year, in-text, self-driving, merry-go-round


When do you include the year into a story? 

When you are referring to a year that happened in the past or that is going to happen in the future, no need to include the year if we're in it.


When writing about money, what numbers do you use figures for and what numbers do you spell?

Use figures for anything below 1 million, spell out millions, billions, or trillions

Which is correct?

#1: Democratic party

#2: Democratic Party

#2: Democratic Party


What is the correct comma placement?

#1: "Despite popular belief, I don't like lunch meat," Hams said.

#2: "Despite popular belief, I don't like lunch meat", Hams said.

#1: "Despite popular belief, I don't like lunch meat,"Hams said.


What months are abbreviated when writing out a full date?

Jan. Feb. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.


How do you write out phone numbers that include an extension?

If extension numbers are needed, use a comma to separate the main number from the extension: 212-621-1500, Ext. 2.


When do you use the word "the" in a title?

When the title applies to only one person in the organization.

Ex: Nancy Cardona, the head of the english department, said...


What is the correct comma placement?

#1: "My mom told me I need to make new friends" Michaels said, "Currently she is my only one."

#2: "My mom told me I need to make new friends," Michaels said. "Currently she is my only one." 

#2: "My mom told me I need to make new friends," Michaels said. "Currently she is my only one."


Write a sentence, in full AP style, about when The Independent meets and how long it lasts (time sequence, class ends at 8:00).

The Independent meets on Wednesday nights at 5:15 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and lasts two hours and 45 minutes. 


Which is correct?

#1: 0%

#2: 0 percent

#3: zero %

#4: zero percent

#4: zero percent


What words should be capitalized?

The all-american football player had an unfortunate tear of his achilles tendon after twisting it on the astroturf.

The All-American football player had an unfortunate tear of his Achilles tendon after twisting it on the AstroTurf.
