The suspect lives at 405 Thirty-fifth Avenue in Sommerset, IL.
The suspect lives at 405 35th Ave. in Sommerset, Illinois.
The GODFATHER is his favorite movie.
"The Godfather" is his favorite movie.
Reverend A. Kennedy gave a rousing sermon on truth and consequences.
The Rev. A. Kennedy gave a rousing sermon on truth and consequences.
He was already 6-ft. tall when he finished Junior High.
He was already 6-foot tall when he finished junior high.
The child is two-years-old.
The child is 2 years old.
She left on January 23rd Monday.
She left on Monday, Jan. 23.
Gas prices rose by seven per-cent.
Gas prices rose by 7%.
She caught ten nine-inch fish in a row.
She caught 10 9-inch fish in a row.
The family is moving from Spokane to Portland, Ma.
The family is moving from Spokane, Washington, to Portland, Maine.
Two thousand twenty-four was a good year for the 9 partners in the law firm.
2024 was a good year for the nine partners in the law firm.
He said he would vote for Pres. Trump.
He said he would vote for President Trump.
The man loves Anchorage, Ala.
The man loves Anchorage, Alaska.
Many seniors miss the 1960's.
Many seniors miss the 1960s.
The 2 cars collided on the corner of Oak St. and Cranston Blvd.
The two cars collided at Oak Street and Cranston Boulevard.
The battle of the bulge occurred during WW Two.
The Battle of the Bulge occurred during World War II.
I bought this guitar for $1500.00.
I bought this guitar for $1,500.
Lieutenant Colonel Bob James has served two tours in Iraq. Col. James is retired and now lives in Florida.
Lt. Col. Bob James has served two tours in Iraq. James is retired and now lives in Florida.
I love Summer, but not the Winter.
I love summer, but not the winter.
She lives at 7734 7th Ave.
She lives at 7734 Seventh Ave.
Mercury, venus, earth, and mars are the first 4 planets in the solar system.
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the first four planets in the solar system.
It is 12 AM on the West Coast and 2 AM in the Midwest.
It is midnight on the West Coast and 2 a.m. in the Midwest.
The wind from the East has caused damage in Southern California.
The wind from the east has caused damage in Southern California.
"Have you heard the news"? she said.
"Have you heard the news?" she said.
The event begins at 10:00 a.m. Friday, September 11.
The event begins at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 11.
The gulf of America borders Cuba, Mexico, and the U.S.
The Gulf of Mexico borders Cuba, Mexico and the U.S.