The Jacksons called themselves
What is Democrats or "The Democracy"
What was the American System
What is proposed by Henry Clay it was to help strengthen and unify the U.S.
What is Abolitionism
What is movement too emancipate enslaved Africans
Who won this election
John Quincy Adams
What were the major politcal concerns of the Democrats
What is monopolies, National Bank, and High tariffs
Who did Jackson rely on to make policy
What are the 3 key elements
What is Protective Tariffs, Subsidized roads and canals, and a National Bank
What was the Liberator
What is a newspaper founded by William Lloyd Garrison (1831) advocating for the emancipation of enslaved people
Who were the 5 Republican Canidates
John Quincy Adams, John C. Calhoun, William H. Crawford, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson
What was the base of voter support for Democrats
What is Irish immigrants, Urban Workers, The south and the west
Why did the North-eastern artisans and workers support Jacksons
What is due to the hostility of corporations and Clay's American System
Why were Protective Tariffs needed
What is to help strengthen the U.S. independence and protect American industries
What does William Lloyd Garrison propose
That all slavers in the south relinquish making money off emancipation
Why didn't Andrew Jackson win
What is did not secure enough votes in the Electoral College
Who were the key figures of the Whig party
What is Henry Clay, John Tyler, J.C. Calhoun, William Henry
What two ideologies did Jackson destroy during his two terms
What is Mercantilist and Nationalist American System
What was this a response too
What is the difficulties faced after the War of 1812 (such as inflation and a lack of a stable currency)
What was the David Walker appeal
A pamphlet (1829) calling for a immediate end to slavery and urging African Americans to rise up against there oppressors
What did Henry Clay do after he was eliminated from the race
What is support John Quincy Adams and argue Jackson was not fit for president
Who was the base of voter support for the Whig party
What is Evangelicals, Urban Middle Class, Protestants of English Heritage
What years did Jackson serve as President
What is from 1829 to 1837
What is the Tariff of 1816
What is the tariff placed high costs on imports of cheap English cotton cloth (allowing New England textile producers to control that segment of the market rather than English ones, which would have likely held back American advancement in production)
What was the Freedom Journal
What is the first African American owned newspaper founded by John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish
What happened as no candidate received an absolute majority
What is the 12th Amendment (House of representives would choose the president from among the highest vote getters)
What were the issues or policies Whigs supported
What is The American System, Protective Tariffs, Individual Mobility, and Temperance