Causes of the Revolution
American Revolution
Articles and Constitution
Which of the following set of historical events is in the correct chronological order? a. Stamp Act, Committees of Correspondence, Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party b. Boston Tea Party, Committees of Correspondence, Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act c. Stamp Act, Committees of Correspondence, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts d. Committees of Correspondence, Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act
The turning point battle of the Revolution, which made France decide to sign the Franco-American Alliance was...
The Battle of Saratoga
Which of the following was true of the Continental Congress in its drafting of the Articles of Confederation? a. It gave Congress the exclusive right to issue currency. b. It gave the national court system the power to review both national and state law. c. It gave Congress control of interstate commerce. d. It rejected the arguments of men like Samuel Adams and Richard Henry Lee who feared strong governments.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, considered by many to be the greatest success of the Articles of Confederation Congress apart from the Declaration of Independence, did all of the following EXCEPT a. resolve the western land claims of the original 13 states and create a process for territories to eventually gain statehood. b. set aside large reservations for Indian tribes in the area, guaranteeing a generation of mostly peaceful relations with American Indians. c. prohibit slavery north of the Ohio River between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. d. require the careful surveying of land to avoid property disputes and require that all larger townships set aside land for a public school.
How did early Europeans view Native Americans
as others, not equal, not human, barbarians, uncivilized
Which man’s writings were most influential in inciting the Americans’ revolt against the British?
Thomas Paine
What contributed most to the American victory in the Revolution?
French military and financial assistance
What weaknesses did the Articles of Confederation have?
2/3 majority to pass legislation, no executive branch or legislative branch, no direct taxation from the federal government
Describe Jay's Treaty.
the British promised to abandon their forts in the Northwest, which averted a possible war with England
Which colony in the mid-17th century passed legislation protecting the rights of Catholic colonists to worship freely?
By the time of the American Revolution, most patriots had come to believe that, in republican government, sovereignty was located where?
The People
France’s support for the U.S. during the American Revolutionary War was motivated primarily by what?
a desire to weaken its rival, Great Britain
A major defect in the national government established by the Articles of Confederation was that it lacked what?
The ability to tax
In which area did the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans most agree?
Indian Affairs
Which of the following were native crops from America that stimulated trade and/or population in Europe?
Tobacco, Potatoes, Tomatoes

Which of the following contributed the LEAST to the growing colonial sentiment toward independence in the 1770s? a.Anger over numerous attempts to tax the colonists and colonists’ perceived lack of political representation in Parliament b.Frustration over the British government’s refusal to send troops to protect the colonies from Indian attacks c.An emerging ideology of resistance based on English common law, Enlightenment ideals, and Whig political thought



What was the first battle of the American Revolution,often called "the shot heard round the world?"

Lexington and Concord

Which of the compromises at the constitutional convention was LEAST likely the result of regional and sectional differences in the United States? (3/5 Compromise, Slave Trade Compromise, Great Compromise, Executive Elections Compromise)
Executive Elections Compromise
The Democratic-Republicans favored what?
states' rights (weak central government), state banks, pro-French foreign policy, strict interpretation of the constitution
How did Puritans feel about religious liberty?
They tolerated no one who expressed religious views different from their own views

What were the main events that led to the American Revolution?

Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Intolerable Acts, Committees of Correspondence, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party


Despite England’s superior military, industrialized economy, and larger population, the colonists were ultimately able to succeed in their war for independence because they possessed what?

greater familiarity with the land, superior political and military leadership, and a deep ideological commitment


What contributed to the ratification of the Constitution?

Federalists promise to create a Bill of Rights, frustration over the limitations of the Articles of Confederation, lowering the required number of states to 9/13


What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do?

prompt Jefferson and Madison to pass the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, empower the president to deport "dangerous" foreigners, persecute anyone who criticized the president or the government, create constitutional backlash

What did the slave codes adopted from Barbados do?
led to the emergence of strict racial categories in colonial society.