What system was created and used in Confucian China that provided social mobility and helped to choose government officials.
The Civil Service exam.
What was the name of the food that provided such a surplus of food that population growth would occur.
Champa Rice.
Define the Casta system
A new social hierarchy based on race and ethnicity, for example criollos
Which Major empire helped to unify the silk roads.
The Mongol Empire.
What was the most prominent chinese tradition affecting women of class.
Foot binding.
Define absolutism and which land based empires primarily utilized absolutist policies.
Full monarchical power in which one ruler or leader has complete power and authority over a country.
Name 3 of the MOST important technological advancements in the period circa 1450 - 1700.
Possible answers:
Magnetic compass, astrolabe, caravel, new rudders, lateen sails, new ships.
Name the communities of people away from their homeland due to merchants staying in port cities while waiting for better weather and significant others.
Diasporic communities
what is the most important and sought out thing traded between south and east Asia?
what happened because of the bubonic plague
spread through silk road, killed half population in Europe, killed 25,000,000 people in Asia
What techniques did the mongol empire use to govern their large empire.
Possible Answers:
Religiously tolerant policies, cultural inclusion of conquered states/peoples, Mongol peace/pax mongolia,
What did the end of the medieval period bring to Europe?
A decline in feudalism, and the plague lost its momentum as people built immunities, an increase in exploration, expansion, and new thought.
What cultural/religious idea was more efficiently spread through printing methods.
The Protestant reformation.
What was the chinese innovation that cvhanged currency and ther economy as a whole.
Paper money/flying cash allowed merchants to carry more money without having to carry clunky coins.
Banks were also created.
What was the name of the cultural center along the trans saharan trade route.
How did Bureaucracies change/affect power dynamics between class and otherwise in mediaeval Europe.
The middle class grew in power and lords in churches lost power. Countries that followed this are: Europe, Spain, Russia, Germany, France.
List three improvements in technology created or used in the period circa 1200 - 1450. Hint (think silk road)
Possible answers:
Caravans, better saddles (for camels), magnetic compass, rudder, Chinese Junks.
Name 2 major religions spread due to advancements in trade circa 1200 - 1450.
Possible answers:
Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Islam.
where was silver originally sourced from?
Latin and America and Japan
what did the scientific revolution bring about culturally in Europe?
people began to use logic and reasoning rather than blind faith.
What did Akbar the great do to contribute to the power of the Mughal empire
how did monsoon winds help promote trade in the indian ocean?
they helped to bring people across the indian ocean to the americas.
Who was Martin Luther, what did he write, and how did it impact Culture and religion?
father of Lutheranism, 95 thesis outlining the reforms he thought should be made to the catholic church, people began to question the church.
What were the major countries were involved in the columbian exchange and what were their major exports.
Europe: Disease, gunpowder, Animals: cows, horse, sheep, and pigs. Plants as well
Africa: People, okra, and rice
Define the Devshirme system (as long as you get the summary)
Christian boys were taken from rural towns, they were then trained and taught to be scribes, diplomats, body guards, militia, for the sultan. - Parents often wanted their children taken as it was an opportunity for social mobility