Advancements in Tech
Tech and the Environment
Reform movements/impacts
Globalization/Resistance to it

Which medicine led to a decrease in fertility rates and the reshaping of gender roles?

What is Birth control


This is the movement formed to help protect the environment through initiatives like preservation of ecosystems (ex. planting 51 million trees in Kenya). 

What is Green Belt Movement


Focus on information, creation, spread of knowledge to increase economic success

What is Knowledge Economies


Throughout China, pro-democracy activists demonstrated here after the death of s high level gov. figure sympathetic to their desire for more democratic reforms. Many of the protesters were students, professors, and urban workers. 

What is Tiananmen Square


Give TWO examples of global brands (companies that are multinational). 

What is Apple, Nike, Rolex, Toyota, Amazon, Coca Cola


The introduction to new methods of crossbreeding as well as new fertilizers and irrigation techniques to produce more resistant varieties of grains (that would yield more produce) was called ...?

What is Green Revolution


This is the organization from 1968 with representatives from all walks of life (scientists, diplomats, etc.) formed to discuss solutions to global challenges, specifically resource depletion. 

What is Club of Rome


The opening up of economies that led some corporations to move to where wages, taxes, and regulations were cheaper or fewer is called ...?

What is Economic Liberalization


This documents outlines the basic rights and fundamental freedoms for all human beings (UN)

What is Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Give one example of globalization via sports.

What is Olympics, World Cup, basketball players like Michael Jordan


Many diseases (like polio and measles) are more rare now, and smallpox was essentially eradicated in the 1980's because of the introduction to what type of medicine?

What is vaccines


Deal signed in 2015 by 195 countries to refocus efforts on environmental initiatives (US left in 2017 under Trump and re-entered in 2021 under Biden)

What is Paris Agreement


Labor costs are lower than even in China, and large manufacturing of clothing/textiles and items like phones happens in which two countries? 

What is Vietnam and Bangladesh


This South African system enforced segregation of people based on race, placing the 15% minority white South Africans in charge of the 85% majority black, South Asian, or mixed race South Africans. 

What is 1948 Apartheid


Give TWO examples of globalization through art/communication. 

What is Harlem Renaissance, Bollywood, Anime, Reggae, K-pop, social media


This epidemic (eventual pandemic) occurred between 1981-2014 and killed more than 25 million during this time span. 

What is HIV/AIDS


This young environmental activist was quoted with saying: "You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes."

Who is Greta Thunberg


Name one example of an economic club/organization created after WWII to allow ease of trade. 

What is North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mercosur (South America), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), or World Trade Organization (WTO) 


What is the judicial body set up to negotiate disputes over international law; also deals with border disputes and treaty violations

What is International Court of Justice


The term for more people learning about American culture; some resenting it and viewing the US as a "throwaway culture" of waste and population.

What is Americanization


Which type of energy contributes to environmental issues like air pollution and climate change.

What is Fossil Fuels


This term is used to describe the "current age," means entirely recent; some scientists argue this is the name for our time period. 

What is Holocene Epoch


A corporation legally incorporated in one country but sells (or makes) its product in others is called... ? Give one modern example. 

What is Multinational Corporations; Microsoft, Google, Mahindra & Mahindra, or Nestle.


Name TWO figures that challenges Apartheid in South Africa

Who is Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela


1999 event where protests occurred at a WTO conference. Significant b/c it was planned on the internet and is seen as the beginning of the anti-globalization movement. 

What is The Battle of Seattle
