Concepts and Graphs

Consider the position vs. time graph for a moving object as the figure below. At which numbered points, the object has the greatest speed? 

At location 4


A stone is thrown into the air vertically upward with an initial speed of 10 m/s. After how many seconds does its velocity become 5 m/s downward

1.5 s


The position vs. time graph for a moving object is shown in the figure below. How many times has the speed been zero?

Three times


The velocity of a car changes from 5 m/s to 7 m/s at a constant rate in a time interval 5 s. How long does the car move during this time period?

30 m


 In a projectile motion in a two-dimensional plane vertically, which of the following is correct:
(a) the vertical component of velocity is constant.
(b) the projectile's velocity is constant.
(c) the range of the projectile is independent of the throwing angle.
(d) the horizontal component of velocity remains constant.



From the top of a height of 25 m a bullet is thrown into the air vertically with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. After how many seconds does the direction of motion of the bullet change?

2 s


According to the figure below a car is moving  along the x-axis.  The red arrows represent the magnitude and direction of the acceleration and velocity.

Which of the following velocity vs. time graphs describe the motion of the car?

Four.  For sure.


The position of a moving object at any instant is given by equation x=4t^2-6t+3x=4t2−6t+3. What is the average velocity of the object between t=1s and t=4s?

14 m/s
