Which is the correct format for an authors name?
A. Larson, H.
B. Larson, Hannah.
C. H, Larson.
A. Larson, H.
p. 286
Can you cite an astrological sign in your references page?
Literally no.
You CAN cite a season such as fall or winter, but not Virgo season.
Ex: (2020, Summer)
Which format is correct for titles on a references page?
Title case or Sentence case?
Sentence Case!
Ex: The dark side of democracy: A meta-analysis on why Jason Mraz should have won season 32 of Dancing With the Stars
p. 168
What is the correct way to cite noncontinuous page numbers?
A. 46–67 & 80.
B. 46-67 & 80.
C. 46–67, 80.
C. 46–67, 80.
Correct use of en dash for range of numbers, comma in between, end with a period.
p. 294
What is incorrect in this book citation?
Charlie Swan. (2020). A father’s guide to helping your teenage daughter avoid local vampires. Forks Publishing Co.
Authors name printed incorrectly, date of publication should not be italicized
True or False:
An institution or government agency would be considered an author
p. 286
Which is the correct format for the date on your references page?
A. (2019)
B. (Twenty-Nineteen).
C. (2019).
C. (2019).
The year should be included in parentheses with a period at the end
For stand alone titles, is the title italicized?
(e.g. books, websites)
Ex: The emotional turmoil: Exploring the average viewers experience watching This Is Us
p. 291
For works that stand alone, what is an example of the source?
(e.g. books, websites)
publisher of the work, database, archive, social media site, or website, plus an applicable DOI or URL
Ex: Differentiating shades of ecru. Colorblind Inc. https://doi.org/4378y874y985
p. 293
What is incorrect in this book citation?
Bolton, Troy. (2008). The Effects of Overzealous Parenting on Athletic and Musical Abilities in High School Students. Berkeley Publishing.
Authors name formatted incorrectly, book title should be italicized instead of publisher, use of title case instead of sentence case
What symbol is used to separate two authors' names in a citation on a references page?
Ampersand (&)
p. 286
When citing a book, do you cite the copyright date or the release date?
Copyright Date
p. 289
For works that are part of a greater whole, do you italicize the title?
(e.g. journal articles, podcast episodes)
Ex: Dentist or apprentice?: A systematic review of Hermy the Elf D.D.S. and his career transition to nuclear engineering
p. 291
For works that are part of a greater whole, what is the source?
(e.g. journal articles, podcast episodes)
the greater whole plus any applicable DOI
Ex: Implications of chocolate consumption on shady business practices. Journal of Anti-Wonka, 15(2), 25–29. https://doi.org/8475284yuhgt48
p. 293
What is incorrect in this journal article citation?
Star, P. and Tentacles, S. (1999). The beauty of prolonged vigilance: An exploratory study of watching grass grow, paint dry, and water boil. Journal of Bikini Bottom, 19(4), 35,36,37, & 38. https://doi.org/10.9483579284ytouwth
No ampersand in between authors names, no range in page numbers, journal and vol # need to be italicized
What is the maximum number of names that are written out on one citation on a references page?
p. 286
True or False:
Most references include only the year of publication
p. 289
Titles fall into two broad categories, which two are they?
A. works that stand alone
B. works that are part of a greater whole
C. works that make my head hurt
D. works that are peer-reviewed
E. works that strike fear into the hearts of man
A. works that stand alone
B. works that are part of a greater whole
p. 291
Sources fall into two broad categories, which two are they?
A. works that are part of a greater whole
B. works that challenge my worldview
C. works that stand alone
D. works that align with my spiritual ideologies
E. works that are peer-reviewed
A. works that are part of a greater whole
C. works that stand alone
p. 293
What is incorrect in this journal article citation?
Dumbledore, A., Granger, H. & Snape, S. (2007), The Whims of Wizardry: A meta-analysis of how wizarding schools promote positive emotionality among young wizards. Journal of Magic. https://doi.org/4298ry28y50o28y
comma after the date instead of a period, use of title case prior to the colon instead of sentence case throughout, lack of volume and issue number.
True or False:
When an author has an inseparable multipart name, you do not abbreviate in the references page.
Ex: Lady Gaga. (2017)
Gaga, L. (2017).
p. 287
What do you do if the date of the work is unknown or cannot be determined?
Put (n.d.) WITH NO SPACES!!
Ex: Kardashian, K. (n.d.).
p. 290
Do you use curly brackets or square brackets to describe an untitled work on a references page?
Square Brackets!
Ex: [Map showing the amount of Candy Cane Joe-Joe's consumed in the United States as of the year 2021]
p. 292
If an online work has both a DOI and a URL, which one should be included in your references page?
Include only the DOI
p. 299
What is incorrect in this report citation?
National Institute of Canine Christmas Festivities. (1999). Aviation for dogs? A mixed-methods study on olive the other reindeer's christmas flight and the impact on reindeer job security. https://url.9482uy29uh4tu
Group author should not be italicized, proper nouns should be capitalized (Olive and Christmas)