In-person Resource Other Than the Writing Center
Location of the Writing Center
Margin Size
1 inch all around
What 3 elements should your in-text citation (print source) have?
Author's last name, publication year, and page number
How should the title "References" be formatted at the top of the page?
Bolded, centered
Online Citation Resource Other than the Writing Center
Academic Writer
2 Ways to Have an Appointment
In-person and Online (Zoom)
What should be in the header?
Page number on the right hand side
How do you abbreviate "pages"?`
How should your references entries be organized?
What can librarians help with?
Research and citations
How do you make a Writing Center appointment online?
MyCLU --> Academic Resources --> Common Requests --> Make an Appointment --> WCOnline
How many lines down should your title be?
3-4 lines
What is it called when you cite the author's name within the sentence instead of the end in parentheses?
Narrative citation
What's usually the first element in a reference entry?
How do you access Academic Writer?
MyCLU --> Academic Resources
What's one writing stage that the Writing Center can help with?
Brainstorming, drafting, or revising
What font should your paper be written in?
Sans serif fonts in 11 pt. or serif fonts in 12 pt.
What is the in-text citation if your authors are Garcia and Lee and the publication year is 2021?
Garcia and Lee (2021) state...
(Garcia & Lee, 2021)
What kind of indentation should your references entries have?
Hanging indentation
How do you make an appointment with a librarian online?
Pearson Library website --> Research Assistance --> By Appointment
Where can you find the WC's open hours?
MyCLU, WC webpage, or WCOnline
What 6 items should your title page have?
Title of paper, your name, department/school, course number and title, professor, date
What is the in-text citation if your authors are Reyes, Miranda, and Brown and the publication year is 2023?
Reyes et al. (2023) state...
(Reyes et al., 2023)
What are the 4 categories of elements APA says every reference entry should have?
Author, date, title, source