The correct margins for APA style
What is 1 inch margins?
Should be no more than 250 words
What is the Abstract?
Shen (2019) in parenthetical citation
What is (Shen, 2019)?
A research article based on data
What is an empirical article?
Introduces the topic/issue and states the argument/thesis
What is the Introduction?
The correct spacing for APA style
What is double spaced?
A shortened version of the title in all CAPS
What is the running head?
Shen and colleagues (2019) in parenthetical citation
What is (Shen et al., 2019)?
Two types of empirical research articles (based on whether data contain numbers)
What is qualitative and quantitative?
Provides possible explanations for findings
What is the Discussion?
In the top right corner of every page
What is the "page number"?
No more than 50 characters including spaces
What is the running head?
(Shen & Seo, 2019) in non-parenthetical citation
What is Shen and Seo (2019)?
Observation or interview of a small number of participants?
What is qualitative (empirical) research?
Presents summary of data and/or statistics
What is the Results?
Ideally should be less than 12 words
What is the title?
Listed on the title page
What is title, author, affiliation, (course number and name, instructor name, and submission date)
Italicized and every word capitalized
What is the journal title?
Driven by theory, based on hypothesis, involving a large sample
What is quantitative (empirical) research?
Describes participants, procedure, and measures?
What is the Method?
Centered, Bold, Title Case
What is level-1 heading?
All parts of an APA manuscript
What is title page, abstract, main body (introduction, method, results, discussion), references, tables and figures?
In sentence case (within a reference)
What is the article title?
Systematic review with statistical analyses
What is a meta-analysis?
Parts of an empirical article main body
What is Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion?