What are the two scenes we see in the Vienna Genesis?
A. Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well
B. Jacob Wrestling the Angel
This style is used in the Merovingian Looped Fibulae - style not technique.
Animal Style
The Reliquary of St. Foy
Chartres Cathedral is made of what two materials?
Limestone and stained glass
Cloisonne refers to what work of art?
Merovingian Looped Fibulae
When examining Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George, historians have identified the influence of what culture?
Ptolemaic Egyptian Funerary Portraiture
Why did architects utilize Roman columns in the Great Mosque?
The architects wanted to display Islamic dominance by showing the remains of the Roman building that once stood here.
The radiating chapels in St. Foy are designed to be accessed by what?
Narthex, Ambulatory, Transept, Nave
What are two major Gothic innovations accomplished by flying buttresses?
New soaring heights and stained glass windows
Marian Devotion refers to what piece of art from the course content?
Chartres Cathedral
Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus
What is ONE reason that Muslims chose the site they did for the Great Mosque?
What are 2 benefits of a Cross Basilica plan?
In the Bible Moralisee, we look at scenes from the what?
The Apocalypse
Where in the course content would I find a Qiblah?
Great Mosque
What are the four F's of Byzantine art?
Formal subject matter, Flatness of space, Figures are frontal, Figures are floating
All of the following are incorporated into the interior of the Great Mosque EXCEPT:
-Horseshoe arches, compound piers, alternating voussoirs, or geometric patterns
Compound piers
Many elements of the Church of Sainte Foy floor plan and construction were made to accommodate what type of people?
What is an icon, and which piece from the course content can I attribute this word to?
An icon is a devotional panel depicting a sacred image; the cause of iconoclasm and the Iconoclastic Controversy
Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George
It combines a basilica plan with a central plan.
What type of mosque plan is utilized in the Great Mosque at Cordoba?
Hypostyle Hall Plan
St. Foys building proportions are derived from the size of which of these features:
Dome width, crossing square, portal, side aisle width
Crossing square
What is a squinch?
The polygonal 8-sided base of a dome that transitions the dome to a square or polygonal room.
Can be attributed to San Vitale.