Written In Stone
Pyramid Schemes
Double Standard
Gods & Beasts
Draw Like An Egyptian

This ancient Egyptian script, used for religious texts, combined logographic and alphabetic elements.

What are Hieroglyphs?


This structure, often found in Mesopotamian cities, served as a platform for a temple and represented a symbolic mountain.

What is a Ziggurat?


The Narmer Palette depicts this key historical event in Egyptian history, when two regions were unified under one ruler.

What is the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?


These winged, human-headed bulls guarded the entrances to Mesopotamian palaces and were meant to ward off evil spirits.

What are Lamassu? 


This convention, commonly used in Egyptian art, depicts the human body with shoulders facing forward and the head in profile.

What is composite view (twisted profile)?


This earliest known writing system, developed by the Sumerians, involved pressing wedge-shaped symbols into clay.

What is Cuneiform?


The mortuary temple of this female pharaoh at Deir el-Bahri differs from the Great Pyramids in that it did not function as her tomb.

Who is Hatshepsut? 


The Standard of Ur shows these two contrasting scenes on its two sides, representing the king's power in times of conflict and tranquility.

What is war and peace?


These small statues were meant to act as spiritual stand-ins, ensuring that this important task was always being performed on behalf of their owners.

What are Sumerian votive figures?


Seen on the Palette of King Narmer, this symbol of royal power is worn by rulers of Upper Egypt.

What is the White Crown (Hedjet)?


This famous Babylonian king inscribed his laws on a basalt stele, marking one of the first recorded legal codes in history.

Who is Hammurabi?


The Great Pyramids of Giza were primarily built for this purpose, showcasing the absolute power of the pharaohs.

What is a tomb?


Both the Standard of Ur and Narmer's Palette use this artistic convention to emphasize the importance of rulers in their depictions.

What is hierarchy of scale?


This Mesopotamian sky god was believed to have created the universe.

Who is Anu?


This artistic convention includes a grid system, with the human hairline sitting at 18 units tall.

What is the canon of proportions?


Ancient Egyptians used this plant-based material to create long documents for writing, often used for recording texts like the Book of the Dead/

What is Papyrus?


This lavish site, built by Darius I and Xerxes I, was decorated with inscriptions celebrating the Persian Empire's unity.

What is the Apadana of Persepolis? 


In the Stele of Hammurabi, the king’s power is demonstrated by this act.

What is conversing with a god?


This sun deity became the only god worshipped by the Egyptians during the Amarna period.

Who is Aten?


This artistic shift portrayed pharaohs and their families with exaggerated features, breaking from earlier rigid forms.

What is Amarna style?


This statue, made to accompany the pharaoh in the afterlife, shows a seated official with a scroll, ready to serve the pharaoh in death.

What is the Seated Scribe?


The columns in the Hypostyle Hall at the Temple of Amun-Re were inspired by these natural elements found near the Nile.

What are papyrus plants?


This material, used in the Standard of Ur, was imported from Afghanistan and shows evidence of long-distance trade in the ancient world.

What is lapis lazuli?


This Egyptian god of the afterlife weighed the hearts of the deceased in the Hall of Judgment.

Who is Anubis?


This massive sculpture with a human head and a lion’s body was carved from limestone and sits near the pyramids in Giza, symbolizing protection.

What is the Great Sphynx?
