The year Apartheid began
What is 1948?
The amount Black and Asian people made up.
What is 80%?
The date South Africa had their first democratic elections.
What is 1994?
The percentage of people that are very poor.
What is 40%?
The estimated amount of South Africans that live with HIV and AIDS.
What is 5.7 million?
The year that Apartheid ended
What is 1994?
The percentage that had political power.
What is 15%?
The party that dropped from 50% of the votes to 20% of the votes.
Who is The White National Party?
the percentage of 20-24 year olds that are unemployed.
What is 50%?
The year South Africa became a British colony.
What is 1815
Groups that got physically separated based on their skin color.
What is racial groups?
All Black men who lived in “White” areas had to have it.
What is a pass / a reference book?
The elected President in 1994.
Who is Nelson Mandela?
The percentage of students that pass their leaving exams.
What is 29%?
Man that became President in 1989
Who is F.W. de Klerk?
The meaning of Apartheid
what is separateness?
the name of an Indian township outside Durban.
What is Chatsworth?
the party that got 64% of the votes.
Who is The ANC?
The infection South Africa has the fourth highest level of.
What is HIV and AIDS?
The two countries that gained independence from Portugal in 1974.
What is Angola and Mozambique?
The act that divided the racial groups even further in 1953.
What is the Separate Amenities Act?
Areas of the country that the government made into “homelands” for Black people.
What is Bantustans?
A political figure that some white people saw as a terrorist.
Who is Nelson Mandela?
The party that now holds 66% of the political power.
Who is The ANC?
The Massacre in 1960.
What is The Sharpeville Massacre