French Society
French Revolution
After Napoleon
America and Haitian Revolution

Prior to the French Revolution the three social classes of French Society were divided into groups known as 

What were estates?


wanted to build a "republic of virtue". leader during the Reign of Terror

Who is Maximilien Robespierre


Napoleon first gained popularity in what "job" which would help him when he decided to take over the French Government

Military leader


Napoleon escaped the Island of Elba and returned to France --- how long was his rule before being exiled permanently?  

100 days 


Why did Spain and England choose to help the Haitians fight for their independence?

Because they disliked France/To hurt French power


The French Nobility made up the 

What is the second estate?


 a machine for beheading people, used as a means of execution during the French Revolution? 

What is a guillotine?


The governmental power in place when Napoleon and his supporters participated in a Coup de Tat

The Directory


One thing the Congress of Vienna did was to restore this Dynasty to the French Throne by bringing King Louis XVI's brother in to rule. 



What was unique in the Haitian Revolution NOT seen in either the American or French?

It was a slave revolt and ended with an independent nation controlled by former slaves. 


The Clergy (worked for the Catholic Church) made up 

what is the first estate?


French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people.

What is the National Assembly? 

a series of conflicts fought between the First French Empire under Napoleon and a fluctuating array of European coalitions

Napoleonic Wars


This was the meeting in Austria by European powers where they met to discuss European peace and how to fix problems that had been created by Napoleon's reign and power grab. 

Congress of Vienna


Who was the British King who refused to grant the colonists their independence?

King George III


The majority of French population (97%) from the Upper Middle Class to the lowest peasants belonged to 

what is the third estate?


The name of the governmental body that was in power during the "Reign of Terror" and under the control of Robespierre.

Committee of Public Safety


Napoleon initially created what was supposed to be a Republic that would preserve elections at this time he declared himself "First Consul" -- however it soon turned into a dictatorship when he declared himself with this title --BEFORE EMPEROR

Consul for Life

One main goal of the Congress of Vienna was to weaken France and strengthen France's neighbors --- they were looking to restore _________ across the European continent. ** THREE WORDS

Balance of Power


This American President DID support the Haitian revolution with supplies probably because he himself was NOT a slave owner nor did he agree with slavery

John Adams


The is the French term used for the Upper Middle Class

What is Bourgoise


Though a member of the French nobility she supported the French Revolution but feared the radical turn it was taking. In an effort to stop the radicalism, she murdered Jean-Paul Marat, in his bathtub, a man known to publish articles calling for violence. 

Charlotte Corday


The signing of THIS agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII -- it did not restore church lands/money seized by the state but it did restore peace between France and Rome, recognized Catholicism and the "state religion" and made French Catholics who had opposed the revolution for religious reason happy. 

Concordant of 1801


Name ONE country that was part of the Quadruple Alliance

Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain


In 1789 St. Dominique was responsible for the majority of the world's supply of these TWO crops -- after the Haitian revolution and the end of slavery Haiti was unable to maintain that level of production and it had a negative impact on their economy that lasts to this day. *** NAME AT LEAST ONE

Sugar and Coffee
