Environmental science
global-scale indicators
Sustainable practices
science is a process
Human impacts on the environment

The sum of all the conditions surrounding us that influence life. These conditions include living organisms and nonliving components (soil, temperature, and water).

What is an Environment?


The diversity of life forms in an environment. It exists on three scales: Genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.

Biological Diversity


Acting in a way such that activities that are critical to human society can continue.

Living sustainable


An objective way to explore the natural world, draw inferences from it, and predict the outcome of certain events, processes, or changes. This includes a number of steps, including observations and questions, forming hypothesis, collecting data, interpreting results, and disseminating findings.

The scientific method


What animal manipulates their environment more than any other species?

(a) Dogs (b) Cats (c) Elephants (d) Humans 

(d) humans


A particular location on Earth whose interacting components include living, or biotic, components and nonliving, or abiotic, components.

What is an ecosystem?


Our ability to grow food to nourish the human population.

Food production


What are the 4 essentials that sustain human life, also known as the basic needs?

Air, water, food, and shelter


A testable conjecture about how something works. It maybe an idea, a proposition, or a statement about an effect.

A hypothesis


Is it true that we change the chemistry of our soil by adding fertilizer? 

(a) True (b) False 

(a) True


A person who participates in environmentalism.

What is an Environmentalist?


The number of people living in a particular area.

Human population


Development that balances current human well-being and economic advancement with resource management for the benefit of future generations.

Sustainable development


A statement or idea that can be falsified, or proven wrong.

A null hypothesis


Early humans often hunted large animals to extinction except: (a) Elephants  

(b) Mastodons (c) Mammoths 

(d) Giant ground sloths 

(a) Elephants


A broad field including additional subjects such as environmental policy, economics, literature, and ethics.  

What is environmental studies?


When renewable and nonrenewable materials become scarce due to high demands, and resources are being consumed faster than they can replenish.

Resource depletion


A measure of how much land is needed to supply the goods and services that individuals need.

The ecological footprint


A theory to which there are no known exceptions and which has withstood rigorous testing.

A natural law


Which of the following is the animal species that stabilized or increased in number after human intervention?

(a) The snow leopard (b) The American bison (c) The West Indian manatee 

(b) The American bison


The field that looks at interactions among human systems and those found in nature

What is environmental science?


1. The most important heat trapping gases is carbon dioxide, but what are these gases called?


2. Derives from human activities. Sourced from combustion of fossil fuel and the net loss of forest and other habitat types that would take up and store C02 from the atmosphere. 

1. Greenhouse gases 

2. Anthropogenic


What is not correct when it comes to living sustainably?

(a) Environmental systems must not be damaged beyond their ability to repair.

(b) Renewable resources must not be depleted faster than they can regenerate. 

(c) Exploitation of resources generates waste and pollution that damages ecosystems.

(d) Nonrenewable resources must be used sparingly. 

(c) Exploitation of resources generates waste and pollution that damages ecosystems.


A group that experiences exactly the same conditions As the experimental group, except for the single variable under study

A control group


What two combinations increased both the rate and the scale of our global environmental impact sustainably?

(a) Human population growth and and technology (b) Human growth and running water (c) Electricity and human population growth

(a) Human population growth and technology 
