It is when species compete for similarly scarce resources.
What is carrying capacity
the number of people, other living organisms, or crops that a region can support without environmental degradation
What is the difference between an adaptation and an evolution
Adaptation generally refers to change that leads organisms to be suited to their local circumstances in some way, while evolution typically reefers to changes in genes.
Name a method of counting species
Find how many exist in a small block by tagging and multiply it out or use the capture and re capture method
Name 4 of the 5 ways species interact with each other
In order to determine snail populations, 340 snails were captured, tagged, and released.
Later, 420 snails were captured. Of the 420 snails, 16 were already marked. What is the
size of the snail population?
What is mutualism and give an example
the interaction that benefits both species. an example would be birds that ride on the backs of large animals