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Where does Raelan go in his spare time
What is Carters go-to mcdonalds order
What did Kelsey get on her AP Physics AP exam last year
What is a 1
What is Richies Favorite food
What is Enzos birthday
What is Raelans favorite piece of clothing
What is Anything Flannel
What does Joe do to help his anxiety
what is Drawing
Why do Kelsey and Enzo have way to much PDA in class
What is True Love
True or false
Richie eats 5 meals a day
What is True
What is Enzos Address
What is 22 Topez drive
True or False
Did Raelan ever pass a quarter of AP Calculus
What is False
True or false
Did carter ever hit his 6 leg parlay
What is False
Why does Kelsey do the baby voice
What is to be annoying
what is 274 Clarinet Lane
What time did Dinosaurs exist
What time is The Jurrasic Period
What is Plants
Where does Carter work
Who is Kelsey scared of
What is Joey Diliberto
Why does richie wear Low blazers
What is Only thing my mom could afford
What did Enzo get on the APES Final
What is 78
What is Raelans brothers name
What is Aiden
How does Joe keep the will to live
What is Drawing
Why is Kelsey so rude
What is Richie Dipietro
Why is Richie Mrs Leselrods favorite student ever
What is cause im the best