The variety of life forms commonly expressed as the number of species or the number of genetic types in an area
What is biological diversity
Energy cannot be created or destroyed
What is first law of thermodynamics
The amount of oxygen required for biochemical decomposition process
What is BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand)
Providing assiatance to the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed.
What is ecological restoration
How many seconds are in 3 years?
What is 9.461 x 107?
All individuals that are capable of interbreeding
What is a species
When you use energy you lower its quality
What is second law of thermodynamics
The process by which a body of water develops a high concentration of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
What is eutrophication
The application of science to the management process
What is adaptive management
A population of deer had 415 individuals. If the population grows by 20% in one year, how many deer will there be the next year?
What is 508 deer?
The change in inherited characteristics of a population from generation to generation.
What is biological evolution
Using less energy and adjusting our needs and uses to minimize the amount of high-quality energy necessary for a given task.
What is conservation
Water from high concentration of sulfuric acid drains from mines
What is acid mine drainage
Ecological succession can aid in the restoration
What is reclamation
One year I had 143 AP Environmental Science students and the next year I had 118 Environmental Science students. What percentage did the population of APES students decrease by? (round to the nearest tenth)
What is 17.4%?
The process of increasing the proportion of offspring.
What is natural selection
Smaller distributed systems for production of electricity.
What is micropower
Emerging bio engineering technology to treat urban runoff before it reaches streams, lakes or the ocean
What is urban runoff naturalization
The number of individuals that can be sustained in an open area
What is carrying capacity
Electricity costs 7 cents per kilowatt hour. In one month, one home uses 1.8 megawatt hours of electricity.How much will the electric bill be?
What is $126?
Provides reliable sources of energy, would not destroy or seriously harm our global environments, and would help ensure future generations inherit a quality environment with a fair share of Earth's resources.
What is sustainable energy development
Can be inadvertent, indirect, or direct and results when water is withdrawn treated, used, and returned to the environment
What is water use
Global commons such as atmosphere and oceans are used by all and owned by none
What is the tragedy of the commons