WHAT IS the process where wind pulls ocean currents away from a land mass, causing deep ocean water to be dragged up with nutrients
order of layers
WHAT IS troposphere, statosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
layer of ozone
crude oil is mined by __
WHAT IS fracking or mined through porous rock
renewable vs non renewable
WHAT IS renewable is available for use and replenishment faster than use rate
el nino
WHAT IS el nino (weak trade winds, weak currents, drier E australian climate, more US hurricanes, warmth in middle of P ocean)
natural CO2 sources
WHAT ARE respiration, decomposition, wildfire, volcanic eruption
what impacts ozone depletion
fracking is __
WHAT IS intense water pressure to break apart shale and release oil deposits
example of renewable energy
WHAT IS solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass
la nina
WHAT IS la nina (stronger than usual, strong monsoon season, warmer off E australia, america is drier and cooler)
prevention of coal production pollution
WHAT IS scrubbers to separate pollutants
difference in CFC and natural depletion
WHAT IS CFC increases the break up of ozone, natural breaks up but allows for re-formation
coal formation order and one pro/con
WHAT IS: PCLBA - coal, highly accessible, does not take a lot of skill to harvest or burn, but releases CH4 and sulfur
why renewable sources are less common
WHAT IS non renewable energy is more cost effective, efficient, and multi use
ENSO location and definition
WHAT IS in the pacific ocean, a system of convection currents that influence spreading of temperatures
vapor recovery and catalytic converters
WHAT ARE ways to reduce gas vapor and NOx and SOx emissions
why are CFCs used
WHAT ARE aerosol cans, coolants, foam insulation
major components of electricity generation
1. Heat to make the steam
2. Steam spins the turbine
3. Turbine spins the magnet surrounded by coils in the generator to make electricity
is nuclear energy renewable?
Impacts on fishing grounds during el nino (SA)
WHAT IS worse because weak upwelling
one alternative fuel source with a pro and a con
WHAT IS (answers vary)
- hydrogen, natural gas, propane, veg oil
ozone depletion on humans
WHAT IS increased solar radiation, so increased cancer and visual deterioration
2 environmental impacts of fracking AND one of coal mining
WHAT IS answers vary. (examples for fracking include: Contamination of the water, Tremors, and Release of methane) (examples for coal mining include: habitat fragmentation, tailing ponds, methane release, and bioaccumulation of acidic drainage and heavy metal interaction)
cogeneration def and example
WHAT IS an energy source that creates energy AND we reuse the heat made, ex: coal, natural gas, biomass, etc