Water we using?
Water we doing?
Tec-nically, unearthing the soiled
Solidly hazarding a guess
A New Dimension
Water that has been reclaimed from various municipal processes that can be used for human use outside of direct consumption.
What is gray water?
The result of fertilizer run-off into waterways, resulting in the reduction of biologically-available oxygen.
What is cultural eutrophication?
The factor that is determined by the percentage of sand, silt, and clay and determines porosity and density.
What is soil texture?

DAILY DOUBLE: Using the soil texture triangle below, identify the type of soil that is comprised of 30% sand, 40% silt, and 30% clay

Burying; Reducing (generating less).
What the US does the most with waste; what the US should do the most with waste.
Top-loading washing machines use 200L of water per load and newer front-loading machines use 100L of water per load. If you wash 8 loads of laundry each week, how many liters of water would the new washing machine save per month?
(8 loads / 1 wk)(4 wk / 1 mo)(200 Liters / 1 load) = 6400 Liters / mo

(8 loads / 1 wk)(4 wk / 1 mo)(100 Liters / 1 load) = 3200 Liters / mo

Saving: 3200 Liters per month

The area in the water table where all pores of underground rocks are filled with water.
What is the zone of saturation?

Daily Double: What is the name of the zone that is above the zone of saturation and what is it characterized by?

Define and give an example each for nonpoint source and point source water pollution.
Nonpoint source: diffused pollution (runoff from multiple agricultural areas, sediments, wind-borne debris, toxic chemicals from mining, industry, or agriculture, thermal pollution, noise pollution)

Point source: specific source directly leached into the water (sewage, boats, oil tankers, storm drains)

DRAW A PICTURE!!!1!one!: The Rock Cycle

- 3 types of rocks
- How they link together All teams get these points if their drawing is correct, but you only get ONE try.

Define and give an example each for closed-loop vs. open-loop recycling.
Closed-loop: recycling an object to be made into the same object (paper, plastic and glass bottles)

Open-loop: recycling an object to be made into a totally different object (jeans into paper, plastic bottles into coat hangers)

One person does not recycle their water bottle 4 times a week for 1 year. How many unrecycled bottles are out there if 1 billion people did the same?
(1 billion people/1 week)(4 bottles / 1 person)(52 weeks / 1 year) = 2.08 x 10^11 bottles
The most efficient irrigation system; the most inefficient irrigation system.
What are drip irrigation and flood irrigation?
Recently, which U.S. city was declared to be in a state of emergency due to the presence of a water contaminant? What was the contaminant and where is it primarily leached from?
Flint, MI. The contaminant is lead from old pipe infrastructure.
The type of crust that tends to be relatively younger due to their continual formation from mantle materials.
What is oceanic crust?
One relies exclusively on plants, the other relies on a variety of microorganisms as well as plants. Both can filter out hazardous waste from water.
What are phytoremediation and bioremediation?
If one plastic water bottle contains 20g of plastic and one billion people each throw away one bottle per week, how many grams of plastic are thrown a way each year?
(20g plastic / 1 bottle per person)(1 bottle / 1 wk)(52 weeks / 1 year)(1,000,000,000 people) = 1.04 x 10^12 grams
With regards to ice and glaciers, explain what the percentages below represent:

1.7% and 68.7%

1.7%: the percentage of TOTAL water on earth

68.7%: the percentage of FRESHWATER on earth

#SATthrowback: Analogous Pairs - pick the pair that does not belong.

a) Salinized : Hardwater
b) Oligotrophic : Eutrophic
c) Impermeable : Porous
d) Deposition : Flush

a) Salinized : Hardwater. Both of these terms are related to the same cause-- dissolved solids in water. The rest of the pairs are opposites of each other.
Give the 3 types of plate boundaries and an example of each
Convergent (plates come together at deep ocean trenches and subduction zones), Divergent (plates move apart and "grow" along sea floor spreading ridges), and Transform (two plates slide past one another with no significant change in the size of either plate).

A transform plate boundary, while not significant in plate growth, can still cause dramatic change:

LIGHTNING ROUND!: Alphabet Blurt You have 3 seconds to blurt out what the letters stand for-- one guess only!
MSW - Municipal Solid Waste
IWM - Integrated Waste Management
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
CWA - Clean Water Act
4 R’s - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
While at a restaurant, you have finished your meal but debate ordering more (growing teenagers, you know). You choose to have another dish, with about 1kg of food. You eat until you are full, leaving 0.6 kg as food waste. If one billion people eat out like this once a week, how many kg of food waste is generated in a year?
(1 billion people / 1 week)(0.6 kg waste / 1 person)(52 weeks / 1 year) = 3.12 x 10^10 kg of waste
Explain maximum sustainable yield and cite it's importance to a specific case study of a fishery (the place, the species, the outcome)
MSY: the maximum amount of fish that can be taken while still allowing for a sustainably-replacing population.

Case Studies for depleted fisheries: Peruvian anchovies, North Sea cod, Atlantic bluefin tuna, Californian sardine

Give 2 positives and 2 negatives for fish farming
Positives: less pressure on wild populations of farmed species, more food security, safer working conditions for fishermen, more control over population, less by catch

Negatives: increased pressure on wild populations for chum, more eutrophication from feces output, increased risk of diseases and parasites, lower genetic diversity, altered meat quality due to non-natural diet (ie. corn)

What causes faults to form and what causes those events to happen in the first place? Where are the major zones for this type of activity?
Faults are formed by brittle rocks breaking under the strain of tectonic plate movement. These movements, earthquakes, are caused by energy release during rapid slippage along faults. Consequently, the Earth's major earthquake (and volcanic) zones occur along plate boundaries.
The two types of non-solid hazardous waste and 2 examples of each
Organic (solvents, pesticides, fertilizers, PBCs, dioxins) and Inorganic / Heavy Metals (lead, mercury, arsenic)
One person eats 10 lb of beef a week. How many pounds of beef would be consumed if 1 billion people did the same each week for a year?
(1 billion people / 1 week)(10 lb / 1 person)(52 weeks / 1 year) = 5.2 x 10^11 pounds

Follow up:
Suppose the average cow weighs 300 lbs. How many cows will the same 1 billion people consume during this year?
