Globally, we tend to find most cities and urban areas adjacent to what major features?
Bodies of water -- ports good for trade good
Identify the term used to describe the condition in which the use of pesticides results in a need for continuous application of pesticides, sometimes in increasingly greater concentrations.
Pesticide Treadmill
What is a non-sustainable forestry practice that we covered prior to Winter Break?
Clearcutting or Slash and Burn Ag
Identify the term used to describe concentrated accumulations of minerals that are considered economically viable.
Describe a Megacity (minimum population size?)
Identify one Megacity
Dense human population, >10 Million people
Tokyo, Delhi, Seoul, etc.
Identify the IPM practice defined as: The intentional introduction of Praying mantis, Insectivorous birds, Bacteria and Fungito reduce pest populations.
Biological Control
What tree species was once so abundant and widespread in the eastern United States that gray squirrels were said to have been able to travel from New England to Georgia upon only their canopies, but were driven to functional extinction by the introduction of a pest?
American Chestnut
Identify the mining practice described:
Removing strips of surface rock
Strip mining
When cities replace natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, they create surfaces that stop water infiltration into the soils, in some cases this causes wide spread flooding, and increase surface runoff.
Identify the term used to describe this characteristic of paved surfaces.
IPM in an agricultural setting is a three-pronged spear, utilizing Biological, Physical, and Chemical controls. Place these three controls in order of preference from greatest to least for a sustainable agricultural program.
Biological = Physical > Chemical
What ignited natural, prehistoric wildfires?
Lightening strikes
Identify the surface mining practice described:
Creating a large hole in the ground to reach the desired resource.
Open-pit mining
Excess nutrients (like nitrogen and phosphorus), enter a body of water, causing an algae bloom. When the algae die, decomposing bacteria can consume dissolved oxygen in the water causing hypoxic conditions. This entire process is known as...
Describe the purpose of crop rotation and intercropping.
Answers will vary but should reference the importance of limiting pest populations and the ability for them to spread (move) between adjacent crops.
Identify and Describe one of the six sustainable forestry practices discussed.
Selective tree cutting, rather than clearcutting
Buying and using timber that is sustainably sourced and certified
Reusing wood
IPM and selective tree removal to reduce disease
Prescribed burns for forest health
What is the process of restoring mined land to a beneficial use while reducing the negative effects of mining on the environment
Identify and Describe one solution to urban runoff?
Rain gardens
Permeable Pavements
Green Roof
Vegetated Buffers
Identify the two different terms used to describe the chemicals used to kill plants and those used to kill insects. Also, identify the one broader term used to describe both of these collectively.
Herbicides, Insecticides, Pesticides.
Explain why large scale fire suppression, as practiced during most of the 20th century in the U.S. was bad.
Accumulation of fuels leads to catastrophic wild fires.
Explain how subsurface mining negatively impacts the atmosphere (the primary way).
Emissions from fossil fuels used to power mining equipment.