What is APG's favorite anime?
What role does Waylay have in Valorant?
What School do I currently go to?
Stuyvesant High School
Finish the phrase: You reap what you ___
What kind of toilet is brainrot?
What is APG's first anime?
DBZ or Pokemon (Either work)
What's my peak rank in Val?
Asc 2
What instrument did I play in school?
What is the square root of 3600?
Finish this line: Raise your _______
What anime is Lelouch Vi Britannia from?
What is the most recent Hoyoverse Game?
Zenless Zone Zero
What subject is my favorito?
What type of games does Eric always play?
Battleground Games
Who rizzed up Livvy Dune?
Baby Gronk
Name 3 of my favorite Blue Lock Characters
Isagi, Chigiri, Nagi, Rin, Hiori, Bachira
What's my favorite Roblox Game?
Bee Swarm Simulator
Name all the specialized HS I applied for
Stuyvesant, SITHS, BTECH
Name 10 things you can order at McDonalds in 30 Seconds
What is it called when you look drastically better than some1 next to u?
What is APG's favorite manga?
20th Century Boys
What season did I start Fortnite in?
Chapter 1 Season 7
Who's my Favorite Teacher ever?
Ms. Deeb
What's Ryan's Father's Name (RYAN CANT ANSWER)
Who does everyone wanna work with?