Spanish, Italian, and French belong to this language branch
What is the Romance branch?
This North American country doesn't have an official language
What is The United States of America?
English is part of this language branch
What is the West Germanic language branch?
A language of international communication, usually for commerce
What is lingua franca?
A regional variation of a language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation is this
What is dialect?
English, German, and Dutch all belong to this language branch
What is the West Germanic branch?
French and English are the 2 official languages of this country
What is Canada?
English spread through this type of diffusion
What is relocation diffusion?
This is the fastest growing lingua franca
What is Mandarin?
A geographic language boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs
What is an isogloss?
Portuguese belongs to this language branch
What is the Romance branch?
Hindi is an official language of this country in Southern Asia
What is India?
These are 3 Germanic tribes that contributed to the English language
Who are the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons?
3 examples of a lingua franca
What are English, Swahili, Hindi, Indonesian, Russian, and Arabic?
This is where a particular linguistic feature occurs
What is a language boundary?
This is the second most spoken language that is part of the Indo-Aryan language branch
What is Bengali?
English and this language are the 2 official languages of Pakistan
What is Urdu?
England defeated this country to secure English as the dominant language in North America
What is France?
Countries have lingua francas for these reasons
What are economic reasons?
Vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation
What are the 3 main differences between American and British English?
Norwegian, Swedish, and this other language all belong to the North Germanic language branch
What is Danish?
Portuguese is the official language of this South American country
What is Brazil?
Angles and Jutes came from this country, unlike the Saxons
What is Denmark?
Children in China must start learning English in this grade
What is 3rd grade?
New England, Southeastern, and Midlands
What are the 3 different dialects in The United States?