What is the difference between a habit and a custom?
A habit is a repetitive act that a particular indivdual performs, such as brushing ones teeth every morning. However a custom is a repetitve act of a group, performed to te extent that it becomes characteristic of the group, such as praying at 5 everyday.
Where did Hip Hop originate?
West Bronx, New York City.
What is a Taboo?
A restriction on behavior imposed by social customs.
What are the 3 sectors of the economic structure? What do they all consist of?
Primary sector: includes activities that directly extract materials from the earth.(mining, agriculture)
Secondary sector: manufacturing process, transforming the natural reasources.
Tertiary sector: involves the provision of goods and servisces to people in exchage for payment. (Banking, law, education, government)
What is the Gender Inequality Index used for?
To measure the gender gap in the level of achievement in three demintions: reproductive heath, empowerment, and the labor market.
What is the difference between Folk and pop culture?
Folk culture is primaraly practiced by small, homogeneous groups living in isolated rural areas.
Pop culture is found in large heterogeneous societies that share certin habits but not personal characterisics.
What's the most popular sport, and did it start as a folk culture or pop culture?
The most popular sport is soccer or football as most of the world calls it. It originaly was from a folk custom that eventually began it's world domination in the 1800s when the U.K. funded recreation clubs. Then sports was tought in schools and then diffused in all sorts of ways.
Why is maintaining unique folk cultures challenging?
Folk cultures were created long ago meaning they dont apply well to the ever modernizing world. Eventually there comes a time when a country or group of people have to choose between modernization or taboos set hundreads of years ago.
Would people in LDCs be more productive then people in Mdcs? Why?
What are the stages in Rostow's international Trade Model?
1.Traditional society, 2. preconditions for takeoff, 3. Takeoff, 4. Dive to maturity, 5. Age of mass comsumption.
How does Folk and Pop culture originate?
Folk culture often has anonymous hearths, originating from anonymous sources, at unknown dates.
Pop culture is tipicly traceable to a specific person or corperation in a particular place. Most often a product of developed countries.
What is an example of folk clothing?
Hijabs, burkas, jubahs, panjabis, those little jewish hats, whatever native americans wear.
What is Developement?
The process of improving the conditions of people through diffusion of knoledge and technology.
What is the pupil/teacher ratio as well at the literacy rate?
Pupil/ teacher ratio: number of students divided by the number of teachers. The less students a teacher has the more likely each student receives effective instruction.
Literacy rate is the % of a country's people who can read and write.
Define "Adolescent fertility rate."
The number of births per 1000 women ages 15-19.
How are Folk and Pop cultures diffused?
Folk culture is diffused relatively slowly and on a small scale, primaraly through relocation diffusion.
Pop culture is difused rapidly through modern communication systems despersing from the hearth extensively.
Pop culture cloting.
Jeans. lmao shes wearing them rn. đź’€x7
naw but fr, they were created to appeal to the working class in the primary sector and became a huge hit. Like theres a reason she owns 100 pairs right?
What is th difference between a developed and a developing country?
Developed countries have progresed further along the developement conttinuum. Meaning they are more technologicaly advanced and are more wealthy.
What does IHDI stand for?
Inequalty-adjusted Human Developement Index. The definition is pretty self explanitory.
What is a countries GDP tell you about the country?
GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time. Meaning that a country with a higher GDP is more developed then a country with a lower GDP.
Where are Folk and Pop cultures distributed?
Pop cultures are distributed across many countries, with little regrd for physical factors, the distribution is omfluenced by the ability of the people to access the content. Folk cultures are usualy less global as well as don't take a toll on the enviornment.
Give an example of Folk and pop culture foods.
Idk what ur gonna say but its probably something like mcdonalds and halal food. if im right ima look like a genius. (Ok time to go back to a formal style of writing.)
What is the Human Developement Index (HDI) ?
IT measures the level of developement for a country through a combination of threefactors: a decent standard of living, a long and healthy life, and access to knoledge.
Who created the World systems theory, with Core and Periphery? Hint: hes in the classroom
Immuanuel Wallerstein
What is the "Sustainable development goals."
seventeen goals adopted by the U.N. in 2015 to reduce disparities between developed and developing countries.