Which country has the highest caloric intake?
United States of America
Name the two types of agriculture
Farming and Ranching
What is No tillage?
A farming practice that leaves all of the soil undisturbed and the entire residue of the previous year's harvest left untouched on the fields.
How much fruits and vegetables have levels of pesticides?
What are hunter-gatherers?
nomadic people living by hunting and fishing and harvesting wild food.
What is Horticulture?
Growing of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and tree crops.
What percentage of people do not have food security?
What is an egalitarian?
Sharing of goods in common among the people.
What is Transhumance?
Seasonal migration of livestock between mountain and lowland pasture area
3 Factors of Daily Caloric Intake
Level of Development, Physical Conditions, Cultural Preferences.
When was the first agricultural revolution?
8000 B.C.E
What is a Sawah?
A flooded field for growing rice.
How much people have the United Nations have stated are undernourished?
803 million.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
The transfer of plants and animals, as well as people, culture and technology, between the Western Hemisphere and Europe, as a result of European colonialization and trade.
What is Subsistence Agriculture?
Agriculture designed primarily to provide food for direct consumption by the farmer and farmer's family.