Culture 101
Cultural Landscapes

A family that immigrates from China to the U.S. and hopes to find a buffer against discrimination while they seek new opportunities would likely choose to live in an _______ ________.

Ethnic enclave.


Street signs are examples of the _______ ________, and may be written in both English and the ethnic language of the region. 

built environment


The increasing sales of clothing brands endorsed by professional athletes to customers in Europe exemplifies this type of diffusion.



True or False? Some countries have several official languages because they want to give recognition to different groups within the country.


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This concept reflects the idea of __________, or appreciating and valuing all cultures.


True or false? A state that bans the sale of alcohol on Sundays is practicing Sharia law.

False! This is an example of a blue law, a legal code that shows the influence of religion. Sharia is the legal framework of a country derived from Islamic edicts taken from the Q'uran.


Amish residents of Lancaster, PA, who are descendants of immigrants from Switzerland in the 1700s, live without the benefits of electricity. This choice is an example of adherence to _________ _________.

traditional/folk culture.


The most obvious example of the cultural landscape shaped by religion is in ____________.


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Many _______ shrines and temples are located near rivers and streams because they are considered sacred sites.


Christianity was brought to the Philippines through this type of diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century.

Relocation diffusion.


Contemporary communication technologies, particularly the Internet, have encouraged the use of English as a ______ ______.

lingua franca

In the late 19th century, with the flood of German and Irish Catholic immigrants into the majority-Protestant U.S., nativist attitudes began to arise and religion became a _________ _______.

centrifugal force

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Besides religion, what are the two other major reasons for nativist attitudes?


Cultural ___________ can cause indigenous or traditional cultures and languages to become extinct.


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The quickening pace of cultural convergence is a consequence of ______ ______ _________.


True or False? 

Immigrants affect the cultural landscape of religion as immigrants’ original religions disappear when they fully assimilate into their new culture and adopt the dominant religion of the area.

False! Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country.


California will be the first state to ban the use of plastic straws. Similar environmental laws will likely spread in other states via political activism through this type of diffusion.

Stimulus diffusion.


Istanbul, meaning "to the city," was previously named Constantinople and Byzantium to reflect the names of the leaders of society at the time. This is an example of how a ________ can give insight into the culture or history of a region.



Both _________ and ____________ diffused from their cultural hearths in the Eastern Mediterranean and southwestern Asia.

Christianity, Judaism


A cultural _________ would call the geographic region between Denmark and France by its culturally appropriate name, Deutschland. However, most Americans refer to the region with the antiquated term Germany, exhibiting _________.

relativist, ethnocentrism


Signage written in the ethnic language of the region, scared sites reflecting the dominant religion, and toponyms related to a region's history all contribute to an area's _____ ____ ______.

sense of place


Islam diffused ____________ to the west through conquest and to the east through _________ diffusion via missionaries along trade routes.

hierarchically, relocation

The _________ language spread from its hearth in the Arabian Peninsula and became one of the major global languages mainly through conquest and its use as a standard religious language.



True or False? The most common religious change among Africans as a result of contact with people from Europe and the Middle East was moving from animism to a universalizing religion.

True! Most indigenous peoples in Africa believed that non-living objects, such as rivers and trees, possessed spirits.


Native American Boarding Schools are an example of __________, while an immigrant family from Japan participating in the celebration of Thanksgiving in America is an example of ____________.

assimilation, acculturation

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The blending of American fast food with cultural cuisines to create restaurants like Panda Express or Taco Bell is an example of _________. 


You would be most likely to find Spanish-influenced architecture in the ________ U.S., with the exception of the state of ______.

southwestern, Florida


The Indo-European language family diffused from its hearth in the Caucasus Mountains and spread throughout Eurasia through ________ diffusion and into the Americas, Africa, and Australia through colonialism and _________ diffusion.

contagious, relocation


After Latin speakers became geographically isolated from each other due to the fall of the Roman Empire, Latin divulged into distinct regional _________ which eventually evolved into the ________ languages.

dialects, Romance


True or false? Climate and landforms have been the most significant factors in shaping the distribution of religious groups in the United States.

False! Immigration patterns have been the most significant in shaping the U.S.'s religious distribution.
