Fruits and Veggies
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This is a type of radish with a mildly sweet, slight peppery flavour and a crunchy texture. This root vegetable is prepared in Korea as kimchi, pickled with carrot and eaten in Vietnamese Vermicelli Salad.

What is Daikon


These mischeiveous fox creatures, also called Inari, are found in the rich tapestries of traditional Japanese folklore, and are particularly celebrated for their shape-shifting abilities.

What is the Kitsune


This concept is defined as the most important political, and economic city in a state or country. But in economics, it is used to describe wealth in any form.

What is (a)Capital


I am an island located Southeast of China, and while I am not part of China, China claims me as its own. My capitol is Taipei, and I am famous for my mountainous climate.

What is Taiwan


This is a sea located in the mediterranean, and is unique due to its high salt content, allowing you to float effortlessly. 

What is the Black Sea/ the Dead Sea


Originating in China, these are the smallest citrus fruits in the world. Grape-sized, they pack an intense flavor that is both sweet and sour. They are a popular treat during the Chinese New Year, symbolizing prosperity and unity.  

What are Kumquats


Among the Hindu gods, it is believed that all are avatars or forms of the ultimate god Brahman. Name one of the 3 Supreme Hindu Gods.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva


This word refers to any activity that modifies the visible features of the earth. 

What is landscaping


I am a middle eastern country with an oil based economy. Many call me one of the Arab capitals of the world, as well as being a financial hub for commerce. My climate consists of desserts and my capital is Riyadh.

What is Saudi Arabia


This is a mountain range in Asia, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. It runs through India, Nepal, and Bhutan

What are the Himalayas


This is the largest fruit in the world! It is originated in the South Asian and Southeast Asian area. It can be eaten as fruit or used as a meat substitue! 

What is Jackfruit


The Imugi is known as "The Lesser Dragon" and emerges as a captivating creature within THIS culture's mythology. It is frequently characterized as a proto-dragon, as this mythical being bears a striking resemblance to a massive serpent.

What is Korea/ Korean Mythology


This is a freshwater fish that mainly inhabits shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes. It is the second most common fish in the world after carp, as well as being traditionally a popular food in Filipino culture.

What is a Tilapia


I am a U.S. territory covering 7 islands of the United States located in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of the island country of Samoa. I split from Samoa after a civil war, and my capital is Pago Pago.

What is American Samoa


This River crosses through many borders, going from southeastern China and ending in Vietnam, where it is most famous. It's the longest Southeast Asian river, coming in at 3,050 miles.

What is the Mekong


Also known as genkon, this root vegetable is popular throughout South and East Asia, where it is cheap and plentiful. Its texture is crisp and crunchy, however it cannot be eaten raw. It has a white fleshy inside, and is usually eaten fried, or in soups.

What is Lotus Root


The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest pieces of literature in the world, which tales the adventures of a cruel king, his everlasting friend, and his quest for eternal life. Where would it have been written today?

What is Iraq, (Mesopotamia)


This kind of rock is an aggregate of several minerals. It is characterized by a deep blue color and spiritual properties, however, most know it by its usage for enchantments in the game Minecraft.

What is Lapis Lazuli


I am a South Asian country with a population of 22 million. My official language is Sinhala, and Tamil. My capital is Colombo, and I was formerly a Portuguese colony. Who am I?

What is Sri Lanka


This is a vast, arid region in northern China and southern Mongolia. It's known for its dunes, mountains and rare animals such as snow leopards and Bactrian camels.

What is the Gobi Desert


This crimson coloured flower is used as a vegetable in many Asian dishes. It is a valuable source of vitamins B6, C and potassium. It is popular in Southeast Asian food, as well as being a Bengali staple.

What is Banana Blossom


The Auspicious Beasts are constellations that are viewed as the cardinal directions of Chinese Culture. They are guardian deities that each represent an aspect or season of the year. Name one of them.

White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird/ Red Phoenix, Black Tortoise


These are the smallest, but most delicate blood vessels in your body. They deliver blood, nutrients, and oxygen cells throughout the body. Together, they connect arties and veins, as well as serving multiple functions throughout the body.

What are Capillaries


I am one of the smallest countries in the world by both landmass and population, however, I gain most of my revenue by the domain TV, which I was assigned by the UN. I am located in the South Pacific, as an independent island nation comprised of 9 islands.

What is Tuvalu


This disputed area is faced with extreme conflict towards China from Southeast asia, as it is an extremely valuable point of trade, commerce, and untapped natural gas potential, with an estimated 190 trillion cubic feet of crude oil laying dormant underneath it.

What is the South China Sea
