The country that speaks Tagalog
What is the Philippines?
Name of Rice balls in Japan
Capital of Japan
The actor for Doctor Smolder
Who is the Rock?
10 rings
The first language on the first Pokemon Game
The Hawaiian Dish with Meat patty, gravy, rice, and an egg on top.
What is Loco Moco?
Capital of China
What is Beijing?
Isaiah's official APIC Position
Who is a Peer Mentor leader?
Artist of the song "like i need u"
The meaning of Tết Nguyên Đán
What is Lunar New Year
You're making a Banh Mi, what are 3 ingredients you would use? (no repeated protein!)
What is:
Protein (pork, grilled pork, tofu, chicken) Pickled Carrots and Daicon, Jalapeño, Pate, Cilantro, Cucumber.
Country of Mount Everest
What is Nepal?
Actress in both Crazy Rich Asians and Eternals
Who is the goat Gemma Chan? 💕 💕
Name one Bollywood actor or actress
Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan
The meaning of 我爱你 "wo ai ni"
What is "I love you"
The National Dish of Laos
What is Laap?
Capital of Afghanistan
What is Kabul?
The actor who was betrayed in Squid Game?
Who is Abdul Ali
The numbers of Oscars Parasite has won:
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
What is C (four)?
The pronunciation of नमस्ते, a common greeting in Hindi.
What is "Namaste"? Bowing/greeting to say hello?
Hawaiian dish that is meat and fish laid in Banana leaves and steamed.
What is Lao Lao?
Largest Island in Asia
What is the Borneo Island?
Nina's official APIC position
What is Publicity Director
First woman to win Director of Year at the Oscars
Chloe Zhao