Who is the founder of Alpha Phi Omega?
Frank Reed Horton
When and where was APO founded?
December 16, 1925 at Lafayette College in Easton Pennsylvania.
What does LEADS stand for?
Launch, Explore, Achieve, Discover, Serve
What is the standard of manhood APO is based upon?
The Boy Scouts of America
What is the theme for National Service Week this year?
Diabetes Awareness
What is the fraternity motto?
Be a Leader
Be a Friend
Be of Service
What are the Cardinal Principles of APO?
Leadership, Friendship, Service
Who created the Greek Alphabet for the fraternity?
Frank Reed Horton
What are the four main fields of service?
Community, Campus, Fraternity, Nation
When is National Service Week this year?
1st full week of November (November 3-9)
What is the UTEP chapter designation?
Upsilon Eta
Who is H. Roe Bartle and what is known as?
2nd National President of APO known as "the Chief"
Who wrote the Fraternity's Constitution and Bylaws?
Frank Reed Horton, Elsworth Dobson, Gordon M. Looney
Who does the fraternity partner with for Spring youth service day?
Youth Service America
Who created the Fraternity Handclasp and pin and coat of arms?
Thane S. Cooley & Everett w. Probst
What is the official newsletter of Alpha Phi Omega?
The Torch & Trefoil
When were women first allowed in APO?
Name 5 Leadership Programs
APO Impact, CAPS, Sectionals, Regionals, Nationals, Region Officer Training Retreat, Chapter Officer Training.
What are the names of the Boys and Girls Scouts council located in El Paso?
Yucca Council
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest.
What is the purpose of APO LEADS?
Leadership development program that allows attendees to continue developing skills no matter their level of experience.
Name the 5 symbols of APO
•Jewel: Diamond
•Bird: Golden Eagle
•Flower: Forget-Me-Not
•Tree: Sturdy Oak Tree
•Colors: Old Glory Gold, Royal Blue
Sing the toast song
Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, Loyal Brothers we, True to self and to each other Firm in loyalty. Daily working, daily striving, Ever more to be, True to Alpha Phi Omega, Our Fraternity. Brothers clasp the hands of Brothers, Strong the circle we, Ever mindful, ever serving All humanity. Now we raise our grateful voices, In our song to thee, True to Alpha Phi Omega, May we always be.
Name the 9 officers of Upsilon Eta and their positions.
PRESIDENT: Brianna Trejo
VP OF MEMBERSHIP: Antonia Taylor
VP OF SERVICE: Jana Harkness
SAA: Andres Guardado
VP OF FELLOWSHIP: Sara Samaniego
SECRETARY: Priscilla Guzman
TREASURER:Rebecca Vera
HISTORIAN: Gabriela Werthmann
New Member Educator: Julissa Melendez
What is the Scout Law?
A scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
Recite the Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty, to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.