Disease discovered in 2019 that has the World locked down
Covid-19 or Corona Virus
Name any of the 4 major armed conflicts of 2020
- US v Iran
- China v India
- China v Hong Kong
- Syria & Russia v Syria
Name either of the two countries battling locus swarms currently
Somalia and India
Unarmed Black man killed in Minneapolis causing the riots across the US
George Floyd
What restaurant also has this meme format used to talk about their cheese?
Olive Garden
Country hit with insane fires
Name of Movie
Which Great Leader caused the Great Leap Forward that left 70 million dead, many from hunger
What Flanigan pretends someone died anytime any little thing happens, makes noise, or barely hurts themselves?
Jack W Flanigan
What Russian prison did Bernie just lose in?
The Gulag
Southeast Asian country hit with floods
Name Album or Artist
Black Sabbath
Which Flanigan believes they suffer from Famine if they don't eat exactly at meal time?
Alex Flanigan (Bob is also acceptable)
Name of Band
Grateful Dead
Who is she secretly?
Radio Rebel
The First Horse has many interpretations, including pestilence or conquest, what 2 figures are argued to be represented by the first horse?
Christ or the Anti-Christ
Indian city where 53 people, mostly Muslim, were killed in a riot
What two factors directly caused the Potato famine (Must name both)
1. Cultivation of almost only one type of Potato
2. Potato Blight that affected said Potato
Name of Painting
The Death of Marat, 1793
Things he wont do
Let you go
What color is the First Horse?
What color is the Second Horse?
What color is the Third Horse?
What color is the Fourth and final Horse?
What has it always been?