On the moon
Before the launch

What was the space race

The space race was a Cold War competition to develop aerospace capabilities, including artificial satellite, unmanned space probes, and human spacecraft


What day did Apollo 11 land on the moon 

July 20, 1969


How was most of the technology made

A lot of the technology that went into the mission was made by hand because it was so critical


Who was the first to space

The Soviet Union were the first big move into space with Sputnik


What impact did the Apollo 11 mission have on future missions 

The technology they used for Apollo 11 helped influence later space shuttles that were made


When did the space race happen 

August 1955 to July 1975. It started with the Soviet Union responding to the US saying they were going to be the first to send a satellite into space. 


What was the astronauts mission to complete on the moon

The mission was to perform a crewed lunar landing and return to earth. Including scientific exploration of the lunar module and command module. Use of a television camera to transmit signals to earth, and solar wind composition.


What company helped make the spacesuits 

Playtex, they still make the spacesuits today 


What type of training did the astronauts complete 

The crew had to do most of their training in a classroom. But they also had to do training on collects geological specimens and entering/exiting the lunar module. This was to help build muscle memory 


How many people watched Apollo 11 land on the moon

Estimated 600 million or 1/6 of the population 


What countries were involved in the space race 

The United States and The Soviet Union


What was left on the moon

spacecraft vehicles, waste, tools and television equipment, and there is 7 American flags on the moon. they were shedding weight so they could maximize the amount of samples they brought back to earth.


What company helped make the wheels for the lunar rovers 

Goodyear, the wheels were designed to cope with the very fine, very abrasive lunar surface


What other flights helped prepare for Apollo 11

Apollo 7-10 helped clear a path for Apollo 11 to make it to the moon


How did Apollo 11 make history 

It was the first manned mission to land on the moon


what were the names of the astronauts on the apollo 11 flight 

Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module pilot Micheal Collins and Lunar Module pilot Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.


How long were they on the moon

Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 hours, 36 minutes on the moons surface 


How were the spacesuits made

Since the spacesuits was considered such a delicate and critical work it was by hand, each layer was sewn by women, each stitch had to be perfect for the suit to work properly.


Where did the astronauts train 

They trained at facility's that looked very similar to the moons surface


How did the space race end

All thought lots of people believed it ended on the day we landed on the moon. The space race actually ended in the first Apollo-soyuz joint mission. They had separate launches and they meet in space and shook hands this was to symbolize the end of the space race


What was the primary objective of the flight

The primary objective was to complete a national goal set by president John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961.


What did we bring back from the moon

Lunar rocks, core samples, pebbles, sand and dust from the surface, and photos/videos


What technology was made for the launch of Apollo 11

The worlds largest rocket, the worlds smallest, fastest, most nimble computer, the first worldwide, high speed data network, spacesuits, and space food, and a on ready dune buggy


How much did the Apollo 11 spaceship cost 

25.4 billion 


What was Neil Armstrong famous saying that he said on the moon

One small step for a man, one giant leap for man kind
